
A committee in the CT General Assembly has started the process to enshrine abortion up to birth and erasure of women as a sex classification in the CT Constitution. We need you to start contacting your legislators today. The Public Hearing is Friday, February 7 at noon at the Connecticut General Assembly (more details below).

Abortion/Transgender Amendment is Back

S.J.35, a Resolution Proposing a State Constitutional Amendment for Late-Term Abortion and Gender Transitions (Even For Minors), will have a public hearing in the Government Administration and Elections (GAE) Committee this Friday, February 7th at 12:00 pm.

This proposed amendment is as radical as it gets. It enshrines post-viability abortion, up to the moment before birth, in our state constitution. It creates a right to gender transitions, even for minors. It could mean the end of women-only sports. It threatens the religious liberty of Christian schools and hospitals.We need every pro-lifer in Connecticut to testify against S.J. 35 in the GAE Committee on Friday, either in person or via Zoom. If you cannot testify verbally, please submit written testimony against S.J. 35. We also need you to email your own state senator and state representative and ask them to oppose S.J. 35.

The Government Administration and Elections Committee will hold the public hearing on Friday, February 7th at 12:00 P.M. in Room 2B of the Legislative Office Building and via Zoom.This legislation would redefine “sex” in the Constitution of Connecticut to include pregnancy termination (abortion) and “gender identity and expression.” 

We need your help to stop this madness!!!

SJ 35 amends the state constitution to redefine discrimination on the basis of “sex” by expanding its definition beyond male and female, and including abortion. The new definition states: “sex includes, but is not limited to, discrimination, in intent or effect, based on pregnancy, including preventing, initiating, continuing or terminating a pregnancy; sexual orientation; gender identity and expression; and related health care.”

Abortion: Placing abortion under the equal protection clause of the state constitution will make it almost impossible to place any legal limits on abortion in our state. It would override the current restriction in state law which limits abortions up until viability, unless there is a health concern. The amendment would provide the basis for legal challenges against any state limitations on abortion, including viability.It would result in abortions without any limits, for the full nine months of pregnancy, becoming the law of our state.

Gender Identity: Inclusion of “gender identity and expression” under the equal protection clause will simply deny reality and render biology and natural law meaningless.Equal protections usually apply to items that are objective and not subject to change, such as race, color, national origin and physical disabilities, to name a few. Anyone who does not agree and does not accept the gender identity ideology will be discriminating and potentially subject to criminal and civil charges. Biological boys playing on girls’ sports teams will become an unchallengeable reality.  The proposed amendment is an effort by legislators to eliminate any future public opposition to abortion or gender ideology. The legal impacts will be adjudicated in the courts for years. Our rights to speak out on these issues will also be gravely impacted. 

What you can do: 

1)  Testify in-person or remotely: Individuals who wish to testify must register using the On-line Testimony Registration Form.  The registration form must contain the name of the person who will be testifying. A unique email address must be provided for each person registered to speak.  You are given three minutes to speak. Registration will close on Thursday, February 6, 2025 at 3:00 pm.  Speaker order of approved registrants will be listed in a randomized order and posted on the Government Administration and Elections Committee website on Thursday, February 6, 2025 at 6:00 pm under Public Hearing Testimony. Please submit written testimony using the On-line Testimony Submission Form. The header of the testimony should contain your name and the bill number.

2) You can just submit written testimony. Please submit written testimony using the On-line Testimony Submission Form. The header of the testimony should contain your name and the bill number. The testimony should be polite in nature and simply state the reason you oppose the bill. 

3) Contact your own legislators today using our Action Center.  Last year, our members sent over 1,200 direct messages to their own legislators.  We can do this again and defeat this year’s bill.

4) Please share this e-mail!  We need to expand our base of advocates.  Please share this e-mail and encourage others to take a step to defend our children and the unborn today.
Family Institute of Connecticut Action will have staff at the Legislative Office Building with stickers and support.  Let us know when you sign up to testify and contact our Director of Public Policy at ppdirector@ctfamily with questions.Thank you in advance and see you Friday!
When submitting testimony online, use the drop down menu to select “SJ000035” as the bill. Thank you!