You are invited to join the Family Institute of Connecticut in prayer outside of the Hartford GYN center, Thursday, October 25th from 6am to 6pm. Peaceful pro-lifers will stand outside 1 Main Street in Hartford to silently pray for hearts to change and lives to be saved. Hartford, CT is one city among hundreds holding prayer gathering during 40 Days for Life from Sept 26th to November 4th.

Here’s a powerful testimony that happened as a result of the 40 Days for Life prayer team in Virginia. “Finally, a third mother stopped to tell 40 Days for Life participants, “I just walked out of my appointment. I had a brief lapse of judgment. I have a son, and things are hard. But I can do this. I’m not aborting my child.”

You can read more amazing testimonies at the 40 Days for Life updates page. Recent reports from 40 Days for Life state 215 babies have been saved since the prayer gatherings began on Sept 26th! Those are 215 lives that would not have been here today if dedicated people weren’t praying in faith outside abortion clinics. On a national level 40 Days for Life campaigns have taken place in 769 communities in 50 nations. Amazingly, more than 14,600 children have been reported as saved from abortion, with local abortion numbers dropping as much as 28%. These are wonderful results worth celebrating!  

If you can’t make it on Oct 25th, there are prayer gatherings in Danbury, Hartford and Norwich. Call our office at 860-548-0066 and let Larry or Christina know what time you can attend on October 25th.   Email for more info on gatherings throughout the state.