

Join Us at the Values Voter Summit
9 years ago

Join Us at the Values Voter Summit

By  •  Events

Executive Director Peter Wolfgang invites FIC Action members to join him at the Values Voter Summit, September 9-11 in Washington, D.C. Among the confirmed speakers is Star Parker, the keynote …
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Shocker: Marriage Decline Worsens In CT

By  •  Culture, Family life

Earlier this month, The Hartford Courant reported on an unsurprising trend: the decline of “basic building blocks of society” — specifically the natural family. Connecticut appears to be a canary …
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Did We Really Need Quickie Divorce In Connecticut?

Effective October 1, a new law creates a category of people who are eligible for expedited divorce in Connecticut. Qualifying “non-adversarial” couples can get split in less than a month …
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Fatherlessness And Poverty: Crisis Still Cries Out For Action

By  •  Family life

In a recent column, Chris Powell expresses frustration at the madness of dealing only with the symptoms of a serious problem: fatherlessness.

We get that frustration very well. It has …
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