

Our Ruling Elites Intend to Crush Us
7 years ago

Our Ruling Elites Intend to Crush Us

That is my takeaway from having spent all day Friday at a UConn Law School symposium on the clash between same-sex marriage and religious liberty. It was laid bare not by the …
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Women Deserve to Have Their Bathroom Boundaries Respected
8 years ago

Women Deserve to Have Their Bathroom Boundaries Respected

In an article for the Hartford Courant, “Imagine Gov. Wallace At The Bathroom Door”, columnist Frank Harris III compares the desire of many in the nation to keep public school bathrooms …
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Glastonbury Graduation Gowns: Now The Truth Comes Out
9 years ago

Glastonbury Graduation Gowns: Now The Truth Comes Out

When we first encountered LifeZette’s story about the motivation behind Glastonbury High School’s gender-neutral graduation gowns, we felt it was appropriate to treat it as suspicious, but unconfirmed.

Yesterday afternoon …
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Gender-Neutral Garb Fights Descend Into Absurdity
9 years ago

Gender-Neutral Garb Fights Descend Into Absurdity

By  •  Culture, Education

Rumor has it that Glastonbury High School’s decision to switch to gender-neutral graduation gowns was made out of deference to a student at the school who identifies as transgender.

At …
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Off Target? Gender Bender Induces Hangover
9 years ago

Off Target? Gender Bender Induces Hangover

Recently, Target decided to end gender-coordinated toy sections in its stores. People seemed immediately to divide into camps based on whether this is A Heroic Victory For Equality Crusaders, or …
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Sampson Not Alone in Questioning Sex Change Surgery
9 years ago

Sampson Not Alone in Questioning Sex Change Surgery

We suspect that Rep. Rob Sampson may be catching flak after a CT Post article falsely claimed that his proposed bill H.B. 5193 would “strip” or “prohibit” insurance coverage of …
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