Urgent -- Vote Expected Soon
FIC stands up for the God-given right of parents to raise their children free of meddlesome, inappropriate interference from the state. Please see the following press release from CT Parental Rights Coalition regarding threats to the family and parental authority at the national level, and the need for timely action:
CPRC (CT Parental Rights Coalition)
ESEA Reauthorization Position
For Immediate Release: November 30, 2015
CPRC to CT House of Representatives and Senate:
Vote “NO” on ESEA
The federal ESEA, Elementary and Secondary Education Act reauthorization is due for vote by the House of Representatives on Wednesday 12/2/2015 and next week by the Senate. ESEA violates the U.S. Constitution by unlawfully expanding federal control. Proponents are rushing a vote on the mammoth document, restricting access and making responsible vetting impossible.
CPRC maintains its allegiance with over 200 groups nationally in opposition to the reauthorization of ESEA. Signatures and an analysis of the bill can be found at Education Liberty Watch.
ESEA is unprecedented in its reach and would dramatically affect the rights and wellbeing of ALL persons. ESEA would increase psychological profiling, data security vulnerabilities, high stakes testing and cement inappropriate affective domain standards for every child. ESEA cedes local and state authority, exerts leverage over private property taxes and undermines democracy. ALL citizens should be especially concerned about the ESEA’s violations of civil and parental rights.
ESEA is illegal and unacceptable. CT elected representatives-VOTE “NO” on ESEA
CPRC calls on CT residents to contact representatives immediately at the Washington DC switchboard: (202) 224-3121.
Tell them to “uphold the US Constitution, vote ‘no’ on ESEA!” #StopESEA #EndFedEd
CT House of Representatives:
John Larson @RepJohnLarson
Joe Courtney @RepJoeCourtney
Rosa DeLauro @rosadelauro
Jim Himes @jahimes
Elizabeth Esty @RepEsty
CT Senate:
Richard Blumenthal @SenBlumenthal
Chris Murphy @ChrisMurphyCT
CPRC is the union of 11 citizen groups throughout CT, representing approximately 40,000 CT residents. The Coalition has worked with legislators by submitting research, evidence and expert counsel. We are committed to the safety of children and the rights of parents.