Will Comprehensive Sex Education be mandated in Connecticut this session? The Family Institute of Connecticut Action will be watching. Here are some of the examples we have from the Connecticut Department of Education’s suggested curriculum standards and how local schools have implemented it. They are teaching your children how to have sex and all about social gender transition, the gender spectrum, how to use their private parts and more.
Remember the Pizza & Consent controversy at an Enfield 8th grade classroom in February, 2022? Thirteen and fourteen year olds were asked to substitute sex acts for their favorite pizza toppings and lay them on an imaginary pizza. Activities like this are considered “age appropriate” for teaching “sexual health”. If this ever gets mandated, “Pizza & Consent” would be coming to YOUR school district, just ask Al Vernacchio, creator of the pizza & consent exercise for comprehensive sex educators.
Here are excerpts from the recommended 2021 Healthy and Balanced Living Curriculum Framework developed by the Connecticut State Department of Education for Sexual Health. These standards were adopted by the Connecticut State Board of Education in November 2021 (pages 13 & 16 are pages 9 & 12 in colorized version) and abruptly “revised” in 2022 to remove some explicit content. These are considered “age appropriate” core concepts for sexual health by the State of Connecticut.
PK TO GRADE 2 (ages 3 to 8): Core curriculum for PK through grade 2 includes non-parental adults teaching children to know and use “medically accurate” names for their private parts. Who will teach them these parts? Grown adults who are not their parents will be teaching pre-k 3 and 4 year old boys to identify their penis and pre-k 3 and 4 year old girls where their vagina is. In any other rational state this is also known as “grooming.”
Also from page 9 of the 2021 Healthy and Balanced Living Curriculum Framework – Connecticut State Department of Education for PK to Grade 2:
HR 1.1.2 Describe different types of families (. . . same-gender, . . . ).
Here is an example of “medically accurate” information already in one Connecticut school . . .
GRADES 3 – 5 (ages 8 to 11): it is considered “core” to “Sexual Health” is that children discuss and master “sexual feelings” and “masturbation” no doubt being taught in a mixed-sex setting (p.12, SH1.2.5). Is there no concern for maintaining modesty between the sexes anymore?
“(SH 1.2.5) Explain . . . sexual feelings, masturbation . . .”
Also for 8 to 11 year olds, from section SH 1.5.5, p.12 of the Connecticut State Department of Education Healthy and Balanced Living Curriculum Framework for Health Education and Physical Education. . . lessons on transgenderism for 8 year olds.
“(SH 1.5.5) Describe how people are similar and different (e.g., sexual identity, gender, gender identity, gender expression, etc.)”
FOR GRADES 6-8, AGES 11 to 14, from pages 12 & 9 of the 2021 Healthy and Balanced Living Curriculum Framework – Connecticut State Department of Education. . .
“SH 1.2.8 Explain sexual activity . . . (i.e. vaginal, anal, oral).“
“SH 1.9.8 Summarize . . . using condoms consistently and correctly when having sex,“
“SH 1.11.8 Explain . . . the potential role of hormone blockers on young people who identify as transgender.“
“SH 1.12.8 Define and explain differences between cisgender, transgender, gender nonbinary, gender expansive and gender identity.“
“HR 1.1.8 Differentiate among gender expression, gender identity and sexual orientation.“
“HR 1.5.8 Explain why it is wrong to tease others based on personal characteristics (such as body type, gender, appearance, mannerisms, and the way one dresses or acts).”
In the hands of teachers and administrators with progressive goals, the failure to use another student’s preferred pronoun can constitute “teasing” and “gender harassment”. We already know that the “Connecticut Safe School Coalition“, a quasi state entity, states that “[c]ontinued intentional misuse of the student’s name and pronouns, and reference to the student’s former gender by school personnel or peers may undermine the student’s therapeutic treatment and potentially deny the student an equal educational opportunity, and is contrary to the goal of treating all students with dignity and respect. Such misuse may also breach the student’s privacy, and may create a risk of physical and psychological harm to the student.”
“HR 1.9.8 Discuss how affirmative consent mitigates confusion within a sexual relationship.“
Teaching girls age 11-14 how to “say yes” is grooming them for sexual intercourse. Better to let local administrators, accountable to local parents, or maybe even parents themselves, choose when to discuss these topics with pre-teenage and teenage girls
More for grades 6-8, ages 11 to 14, from p.12 of the 2021 Healthy and Balanced Living Curriculum Framework – Connecticut State Department of Education. . .
“SH 1.1.8 Identify resources, products . . . supporting sexual health.).“
RESOURCES AND PRODUCTS? Now archived here, the State Department of Education had within their RESOURCES section, the Connecticut State Department of Education Guidelines for the Sexual Health Education Component of Comprehensive Health Education, a link to SexEdlibrary.org. There you can find RELIABLE PENIS PUMPS on the front page. This is not an appropriate product for our pre-pubescent children or even our teenagers. Our Connecticut Department of Education does not pay attention to what it is recommending (or does it?). Local school districts will be expected to select from this grab-bag of sexually charged and exploitive curriculums and resources. Curriculums that incorporate questionable if not completely inappropriate information for school room discussions.
And don’t forget grades 9 – 12. Where the state will place a capstone on their radical “Sexual Health” Education with indoctrination of radical gender theories as accepted social norms.
“HR 1.8.12 Summarize the benefits of respecting individual differences in aspects of sexuality (such as . . . sexual orientation, gender expression, or gender identity), . . . .”
“HR 1.6.12 Evaluate effective strategies for handling challenges in relationships (e.g., family members . . . ).”
Our Department of Education and State Board of Education encourages and emboldens librarians to add additional filthy and pornographic materials to school and local libraries.
Again, we’ve uploaded the 2021 version of Sex Health Guidelines for your information. FYI, the CT State Department of Education “cleaned up” this version during the 2022 election and it no longer contains the most graphic and nauseating descriptive terms from the core content indicators.
We’ve also uploaded less stylized version originally approved by the Connecticut State Department of Education and can still be found on their government website. Search for the words “masturbate”, “vaginal, anal, oral” to find Sexual Health core standards. These standards are recommended to local school boards.
This “Sexual Health” program is “Comprehensive Sex Education” by another name. Legislators and parents are told that Comprehensive Sex Education is necessary to protect children, but a recent “study of Comprehensive Sex Education studies” concludes that “Some of the strongest, most current school-based CSE studies worldwide show very little evidence of real program effectiveness. In the U.S., the evidence, though limited, appeared somewhat better for abstinence education.”
More examples of Comprehensive Sex Education in Connecticut curriculum:
This blog was originally published in March, 2023.