

Lies and deceptions are being used to expand assisted suicide
4 months ago

Lies and deceptions are being used to expand assisted suicide

Join us, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition and Patient’s Rights Action Fund to oppose an expansion of assisted suicide into an 11th state – Delaware. Assisted suicide activists regularly …
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Assisted Suicide Losing Momentum
8 months ago

Assisted Suicide Losing Momentum

“Momentum,” They Claimed

The 2024 legislative session in Connecticut is well underway. The scope of threats to life, faith, and family that may come out of the short …
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CT Woman’s Assisted Suicide in VT was Facilitated by News Crew
9 months ago

CT Woman’s Assisted Suicide in VT was Facilitated by News Crew

A woman who traveled to Vermont to use their newly-expanded assisted suicide law was aided by a news crew who vouched for her being of “sound mind”. Setting aside …
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FIC Day at 40 Days for Life, Hartford
1 year ago

FIC Day at 40 Days for Life, Hartford

By  •  Pro-Life

Save the Date, March 20, 2024 for the 3rd Annual Connecticut March for Life. Before then, join us October 23, 2023 for FIC Day at the Hartford 40 Days for …
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Pro-Life WIN: NARAL exits Connecticut!
1 year ago

Pro-Life WIN: NARAL exits Connecticut!

Framed as an expansion into Connecticut for an eager media, NARAL Pro-Choice Connecticut will actually “sunset” their operations this fall, less than 2 years after the overturning of Roe …
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FIC wins against Big Gender
1 year ago

FIC wins against Big Gender

HB6617, An Act Promoting Equity in Coverage for Fertility Health Care or the “Everybody Gets A Baby” bill was defeated after passing out of the Connecticut Human Services and …
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The Real Story Behind the Assisted Suicide Defeat
1 year ago

The Real Story Behind the Assisted Suicide Defeat

The Real Story Behind Our Victory 

We are pleased to announce that SB 1076, the Assisted Suicide Bill, died in the Judiciary Committee last week. This marks a solid …
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2023: Victory over another bill for Government Assisted Death.
2 years ago

2023: Victory over another bill for Government Assisted Death.

It used to be that “assisted suicide” was the nice word to use instead of, say, “murder”. Cataloged with Connecticut’s laws prohibiting the killing of another, assisted suicide is …
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Fact vs Myth on SB1076
2 years ago

Fact vs Myth on SB1076

The Family Institute of Connecticut has prepared a new flyer on SB1076, this year’s assisted suicide bill.

Print your own flyer HERE.

Connecticut March For Life: 3/22/23
2 years ago

Connecticut March For Life: 3/22/23

Mark your calendars for our second annual event and register using the link below. All the information you need can be found on the Connecticut March for Life page. …
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