
About Leslie

#1 Fan of Peter Wolfgang
Latest Posts | By Leslie
Urgent! Block new Title IX Regs for your child’s school and college.
3 weeks ago

Urgent! Block new Title IX Regs for your child’s school and college.

By  •  Parental Rights

On Tuesday, July 2, a 10th Circuit Federal Judge blocked enforcement of Biden’s new Title IX regulations for “any school attended by a minor child of a …
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Lies and deceptions are being used to expand assisted suicide
4 weeks ago

Lies and deceptions are being used to expand assisted suicide

Join us, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition and Patient’s Rights Action Fund to oppose an expansion of assisted suicide into an 11th state – Delaware. Assisted suicide activists regularly …
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HB5378: kids to be made infertile by “affirmative only care” in CT.
3 months ago

HB5378: kids to be made infertile by “affirmative only care” in CT.

Not to be outdone by last year’s failed attempt to use state funds to hire childbearing surrogates for voluntary eunuchs, this year Planned Parenthood was joined by other groups …
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Is Grandma Ready for the Tomatoes?
3 months ago

Is Grandma Ready for the Tomatoes?

HB5354, a bill to compost grandmas has been resurrected as a “study bill” and sent to the House for a vote. HB5354 would create 500 to MORE THAN 1,000 …
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Despite obstacles, several Connecticut Women smashed narratives at SJ4 hearing
4 months ago

Despite obstacles, several Connecticut Women smashed narratives at SJ4 hearing

Contact your legislators today and ask them to oppose SJ4

Irony abounds as “transgender awareness day” approaches this week at the Connecticut State Capitol but two transgender activists …
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No Tampons forced on 8-year-old boys! Petition.
5 months ago

No Tampons forced on 8-year-old boys! Petition.

Sign our petition here . .

Connecticut has made national news by punishing a young man who vandalized a tampon dispenser in the boys’ bathroom at Brookfield High School …
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No Ban on Parental Rights in the Library
5 months ago

No Ban on Parental Rights in the Library

By  •  Take Action

File written testimony against HB5417 and attend or even speak at a public hearing on Monday, March 11 in the Education Committee.

Join us in the hearing room …
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DCF has Hotline to report non-affirming parents.
5 months ago

DCF has Hotline to report non-affirming parents.

The Connecticut Department of Children and Families is laying the foundation for removal of children based on non-affirmation of gender identity by parents. There are many parents in Connecticut …
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2024 “Let Kids Be Kids”
5 months ago

2024 “Let Kids Be Kids”

By  •  Take Action

Media Statement:


Proposed Bill Language:

Contact your legislator:

English Zoom Webinars:

Download and share our flyer:

What …
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CT Gov’t vs. Children – starts at the top with Tong.
6 months ago

CT Gov’t vs. Children – starts at the top with Tong.

Attorney General Tong and his war against a Connecticut mom.

The 2024 legislative session began on February 7 with what the Hartford Courant called a “meandering” speech by …
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