
Parental Rights

Urgent! Block new Title IX Regs for your child’s school and college.
4 months ago

Urgent! Block new Title IX Regs for your child’s school and college.

By  •  Parental Rights

On Tuesday, July 2, a 10th Circuit Federal Judge blocked enforcement of Biden’s new Title IX regulations for “any school attended by a minor child of a …
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DCF has Hotline to report non-affirming parents.
8 months ago

DCF has Hotline to report non-affirming parents.

The Connecticut Department of Children and Families is laying the foundation for removal of children based on non-affirmation of gender identity by parents. There are many parents in Connecticut …
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Teaching Children to Have “Vaginal, Anal, Oral” Sex and more – CT State Dept. of Ed.
9 months ago

Teaching Children to Have “Vaginal, Anal, Oral” Sex and more – CT State Dept. of Ed.

By  •  Parental Rights

Will Comprehensive Sex Education be mandated in Connecticut this session? The Family Institute of Connecticut Action will be watching. Here are some of the examples we have from the Connecticut …
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CT Department of Education removes link to “reliable penis extenders” from their website.
1 year ago

CT Department of Education removes link to “reliable penis extenders” from their website.

Followers of our blog are familiar with the official State of Connecticut Department of Education’s filthy Guidelines for Sexual Health Education Resources page wherein they proudly list as a …
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Say “NO” to Tong’s Secret Gender Transitioning for Children
1 year ago

Say “NO” to Tong’s Secret Gender Transitioning for Children

Sign our petition against Attorney General Tong’s efforts to protect the secret transing of students in public schools – including Connecticut.

Connecticut Attorney General Tong has proudly signed his …
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SB1166 Mandatory Surveys, Punishment & Social Justice in our schools Bill.
1 year ago

SB1166 Mandatory Surveys, Punishment & Social Justice in our schools Bill.

Use our easy Action Center to contact your legislators and ask them to oppose SB1166. Visit our latest post on SB1166 here.

Distribute our flyer to help spread …
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Parental Rights Rally and Petition 3/31/23
2 years ago

Parental Rights Rally and Petition 3/31/23

By  •  Parental Rights

Join Peter and Leslie Wolfgang at their alma mater, University of Connecticut School of Law, on Friday, March 31 from 8am to 10am to protest a symposium …
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Transgender Agenda & Let Kids Be Kids Conference Recordings
2 years ago

Transgender Agenda & Let Kids Be Kids Conference Recordings

By  •  Parental Rights

You can now access the AFTERNOON RECORDING of our conference plus, Brandon Showalter and Peter Wolfgang, Executive Director of the Family Institute of Connecticut, for a limited time on …
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“Social Emotional Learning” Exposed – Recording Available
2 years ago

“Social Emotional Learning” Exposed – Recording Available

The MORNING SESSION of FIC’s Let Kids Be Kids Webinar Series focused on a presentation by Jennifer McWilliams, a young teacher “cancelled” by her school district for exposing the …
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New “Yes You Will” campaign starts today.
2 years ago

New “Yes You Will” campaign starts today.

Send in your letter. Complete our survey. It can be that easy!

Ever wonder what happens in those first few days after a guidance counselor or teacher gleefully …
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