
About Leslie

#1 Fan of Peter Wolfgang
Latest Posts | By Leslie
CT Department of Education removes link to “reliable penis extenders” from their website.
10 months ago

CT Department of Education removes link to “reliable penis extenders” from their website.

Followers of our blog are familiar with the official State of Connecticut Department of Education’s filthy Guidelines for Sexual Health Education Resources page wherein they proudly list as a …
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CT is transing children and lying to parents about it.
11 months ago

CT is transing children and lying to parents about it.

By  •  Take Action

In reaction to an Executive Order by then Governor Malloy, the Connecticut State Department of Education issued GUIDANCE and FAQs to Connecticut superintendents suggesting that schools accept a self-diagnosis …
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Say “NO” to Tong’s Secret Gender Transitioning for Children
1 year ago

Say “NO” to Tong’s Secret Gender Transitioning for Children

Sign our petition against Attorney General Tong’s efforts to protect the secret transing of students in public schools – including Connecticut.

Connecticut Attorney General Tong has proudly signed his …
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FIC wins against Big Gender
1 year ago

FIC wins against Big Gender

HB6617, An Act Promoting Equity in Coverage for Fertility Health Care or the “Everybody Gets A Baby” bill was defeated after passing out of the Connecticut Human Services and …
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FIC Announces Summer Matching Grant
1 year ago

FIC Announces Summer Matching Grant

Make your donations here before the end of this month to have them matched!

The FIC team was at the state Capitol on the last day of the …
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Courant “hit piece” was a “mockery”.
1 year ago

Courant “hit piece” was a “mockery”.

By  •  Take Action, media

Thank you Dr. Bentivegna for your concise takedown of The Hartford Courant hit piece published over Memorial Day weekend. FIC has its own response here.

“Written by Hartford …
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HB6638: It’s about “Attraction” not “Action”.
1 year ago

HB6638: It’s about “Attraction” not “Action”.

By  •  Take Action, media

Contact your State Senator today to oppose HB6638.

Allison Cross at The Hartford Courant and AP News Fact Check let activists conflate “attraction” with “action”, on par with …
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The “MAP” (Pedophilia) Anti-Discrimination Bill, HB6638
1 year ago

The “MAP” (Pedophilia) Anti-Discrimination Bill, HB6638

By  •  Take Action

Contact your Senator today to oppose expanding CT’s Anti-Discrimination law to Minor Attracted Persons (MAP)s.

I’m using the preferred label of “minor attracted persons (MAP)” instead of the …
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Fact Checking Yahoo News
1 year ago

Fact Checking Yahoo News

By  •  media

Another news source conflating “behavior” and “attraction. See our notes and exciting score at the bottom of the blog.

This is an assertion. The definition of “sexual orientation” …
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Fact Checking PolitiFact
1 year ago

Fact Checking PolitiFact

By  •  media

A story mentioning HB6638 and the Family Institute of Connecticut was recently “Fact Checked” by Politifact, and we wanted to provide an analysis of their “checking”. We deem their …
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