...And Fighting Back
This is the time of year when everyone yells “squirrel!” and we have to look. The bills are coming fast and furious in this legislative session and we want you to know about them. This post will be updated regularly with new information so check back regularly.
Last week, for instance, FIC Action’s e-blast to our members listed 20 bills we were tracking. It’s now 30…and growing.
The list below is subject to change. Some bills may be removed, some added. Some may move from one category to another (say, from “monitoring” to “opposed” or vice-verse as the threat assessment changes). Some will get a hearing and some won’t. Some that do get a hearing may go further in the process and some may not. Some may become law and some may not.
So do check back. But also sign up for our email alerts and check our Action Center for updates on the bills we are actively lobbying. Below is the list of bills we are tracking, not necessarily lobbying. For that latter category, see our Action Center.
The anti-pregnancy center bills are 5130, 395 and 6362. Bills legalizing assisted suicide are 374 and 5898. The bills to legalize recreational marijuana are 690 496 and 5595 and 744. The bills to expand gambling are 5661, 17, 11 , 665 , 6567 and 7055.The “gay panic” bill (no, really) is 58, middle school bathrooms for “nonconfoming genders” is 6219, potentially overriding parental consent and promoting promiscuity is 6540 , foster care sexuality bill of rights is 6403 and changing the biological parents of a child on the birth certificate is 6507. The co-pay abortion bill is 5854.
A homeschool bill that we are monitoring is 5301. An atheist oath bill we are monitoring is 484. Amending living will forms is 6949.
And there is, believe it or not, a few good bills: parental notification is 366 and 6537 Bills to outlaw female genital mutilation are 5142, 5361, 505, and 5142.
Please note, while we list one category as “ambiguous,” a lot of these bills are ambiguous. Some may not be as bad as they look. Some may be even worse than they look. We will know more as the session progresses. And we will bring that information to you via our various platforms as soon as we know it.