Gosnell Trial And Our Nation’s Unfinished Business
Two years ago today, Kermit Gosnell was convicted of murder, bringing a definitive, ignominious, and horrifically overdue end to decades of unspeakable crimes against women and babies. In addition, the trial exposed massive systemic failure and shameful indifference on the part of the state, the press, and the abortion industry.
On the second anniversary of his conviction, the pro-life movement must act as America’s conscience. One man is in jail — rightly. To consider justice done is unsatisfactory; to revert to “business as usual” is unacceptable.
Abortionists like Leroy Carhart, who is responsible for at least as many dead women as Gosnell, are still free men.
The abortion industry and its friends in power continue to fight tooth and nail to prevent the implementation of higher standards that save lives and that could prevent families like Karnamaya Mongar’s from having to bury their daughters.
Recently, a pregnant woman was brutally attacked, her baby cut out of her body, and thanks in part to the morass of ‘viability’ that is so crucial to protecting abortion at any cost, had little recourse for her child’s death. A CBS headline treated the crime like a case of stolen property, and the article quoted the district attorney stating that “The issues involving an unborn child are complicated under Colorado law,” while failing to note that he had been endorsed by the very groups that want it to stay complicated.
Medical advances continue to show how slippery is the distinction between what happens in a “legal” versus an “illegal” abortion, forcing our society perilously close to having to recognize the humanity of the unborn child at any stage of development, and thus to finally let the magnitude of the atrocities of the last 42 years catch up with collective comprehension.
There are two things we can do today to keep the lessons of the Gosnell trial alive — not so much for his further infamy, but for the sake those who were mistreated and killed at his hands:
1) Consider supporting the Gosnell movie project, which would be huge for raising consciousness of Gosnell’s atrocities as well as the injustice that remains unresolved.
2) Urge Congress to ban abortions at 20 weeks — a vote is expected today.
Together, we can take a stand against business as usual.
UPDATE 5/14/15: the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act passed the House 242-184 and is on to the Senate. (President Obama has threatened to veto.)