Multiple sources are reporting that the Connecticut House of Representatives is expected to vote tomorrow (Tuesday) on HB 5414, which would turn Connecticut into a sanctuary state for abortionists who broke the law in other states.
This is the email you will be sending your state representative. You may edit it as you see fit: As your constituent, I ask that you vote No on HB 5414, which has the title “AN ACT CONCERNING PROTECTIONS FOR PERSONS RECEIVING AND PROVIDING REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH CARE SERVICES IN THE STATE” but is actually a “safe harbor” bill for abortion providers who violate abortion laws in other states. HB 5414 is an attack on parental rights. It would incentivize, for instance, those who would put a 13 year old girl in Texas on a Greyhound bus to a waiting abortionist in Connecticut. Anyone familiar with abortion law knows Connecticut is a parent-free zone due to our lack of a parental notification law. Under HB 5414, Connecticut would become a magnet for this huge violation of parental rights and safety of minors.HB 5414 is an attack on equity. It is Black and Latino women who will be the target of the unsavory interstate traffic created by this bill. Here in Connecticut, there are already three pending lawsuits against Planned Parenthood of Southern New England. HB 5414 would make Connecticut a safe harbor for unsavory out-of-state abortionists when it should be a safe harbor for the women of our own state. Abortion rates are declining in Connecticut because women want more than abortion. HB 5414’s response is to send us more abortionists.HB 5414 is an attack on state sovereignty. It is not the role of the state of Connecticut to interfere in the abortion laws of other states. To do so is to invite retaliation by those states. Under this bill, abortion providers can flee to Connecticut to escape the legal consequences of having broken the law in their own states. The governor is forbidden from honoring extradition requests from other states. This bill may even violate federal law.Please do not send Connecticut down this complicated and expensive path. We have enough problems here. Please do not involve us in other states’ controversies. Please do not attack the rights of other states, or the rights of parents of minor children, or the safety of Black and Latino women.Please vote No on HB 5414.