What, No Invite?
Same-Sex “Wedding” at Governor’s Residence
The Hartford Courant reports that former Rep. Mike Lawlor is “marrying” his partner at a reception to be held at the Governor’s residence, the “wedding” to be performed by Justice Andrew McDonald:
“Yep, I’m the last of the group to get gay married, ” quipped Lawlor, who, with Mark Ojakian,now Malloy’s chief of staff, then legislator McDonald and others, spearheaded the push for legislation legalizing gay marriage in Connecticut.
You will never hear it from the mainstream media, but Family Institute of Connecticut stopped that legislation every year. It was a 4-3 decision of the Connecticut Supreme Court that enacted same-sex “marriage” in our state, the deciding vote cast by a lower court judge after a mysterious recusal. Afterwards, FIC secured the strongest religious liberty protections against same-sex “marriage” in the country.
And in the years since, the social science evidence against same-sex “marriage” has become stronger.
It is important to remember all of this, because some time next week the U.S. Supreme Court will be handing down its own same-sex “marriage” rulings.
In 2008, the Connecticut Supreme Court told a lie. They invented a “right” to same-sex “marriage” in our state constitution, when no such “right” existed.
The U.S. Supreme Court is now faced with the same choice. Will the nation’s high court, like Connecticut’s, tell a lie and invent a “right” to same-sex “marriage” in the U.S. Constitution? Or will the U.S. Supreme Court be better, more honest, than the Connecticut Supreme Court, and refuse to lie?
We will know the answer next week.
June 21, 2013
Just based on what I’ve read, I think Lawlor’s kid is set up to do pretty well. I pray your kids, if you have any, may do as well. One recommendation: have them read the Bible (all of it).
June 22, 2013
I can assure you, Bill, the kids would be hard pressed to do better than this fine devoted man and his lovely wife who is just smart as a whip. What’s more, they will not experience the existential crisis of not knowing and being loved by the very people who gave them life, which unfortunately many children go through in this broken world for one reason or another.
I’m just as certain that their education does, and will, include reading the Bible — “all of it,” including parts that some folks would prefer to pretend don’t exist. The Bible must be taken as a whole and I think we at FIC understand that very well.
Their kids’ education will also include the great 2,000-year Christian intellectual tradition that is our indispensable companion to the Bible.
Best to you and thanks for reading.
June 23, 2013
Basic common sense says having a mom and a dad raise a child is going to be different than having two parents of the same sex raising a child.
Whether that is good, bad, or not different for the child is for the people demanding the family be redefined to show that there is no harm.
The comments about the courts has nothing to do with gay marriage, but courts deciding to overstep their bounds and the politicians who approve of activism or do not have the backbone to impeach the judges for their actions.
If people want to redefine marriage, vote on it. If you want a country where unelected and unaccountable judges make up rights and the law, we no longer live in a free nation.
The courts should not be ruling on marriage one way or another.
It is for the states to decide until a constitutional amendment is passed.