We’re just a few days into the New Year and it’s a perfect time to learn how you can be engaged in the fight for faith and family in Connecticut. Here are 5 simple ways you can get involved with FIC this 2019:
- Pray: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12) This verse reminds us that our true enemies are the spiritual forces of wickedness that influence people to do evil things. Knowing that important truth should lead us to pray for those who oppose us and especially those in positions of power. 1 Timothy 1:5 admonishes us, “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” We must remember to fight battles on our knees in prayer. Pray for your legislators, our new governor and elected officials. Pray for the staff, board, and volunteers at FIC to have wisdom, be courageous and see major victories this year.
2. Stay informed: 2019 will be an active year. Sadly pro-abortion activist groups are already threatening to bring legislative attacks against pro-life pregnancy centers. Last year we helped to defeat a bill aimed at limiting the free speech rights of pregnancy centers and one pushing assisted suicide. We want you to know when attacks are launched that threaten the rights of homeschooling parents, clergy, or the elderly and disabled. Make sure you sign up on this website for our email alerts, important mailings, and notifications. Be sure to follow us on Twitter, Instagram and especially Facebook. We can even send a staff member to your non-profit organization, church or ministry to discuss the important issues we’re dealing with in 2019.
3. Show up when it counts: We need like-minded, passionate people to show up for FIC rallies, committee hearings, important meetings, events and wherever a peaceful, presence is needed. We had friends and supporters celebrating with us at the Hartford State Capitol when the Supreme Court decided California pregnancy centers no longer could be forced to advertise for abortion. We gathered with homeschooling parents at the Capitol for a rally. We had hundreds come out in 2018 for a family-friendly concert with the Christian group UNSPOKEN. Some of our events are planned months in advance like our annual banquet and others are spur of the moment gatherings based on breaking news. That’s why it’s important to follow us on social media, get the details and show up!
4. Voice your thoughts: Newspapers and media sources report the stories taking places in our state but they don’t always share our perspective. Writing letters to the editors of your local paper can make a real difference. Along with writing letters, we encourage people to schedule meetings with their State senators and representatives. Elected officials are willing to meet with their constituents. If you’re not sure how to set up an appointment with them, call our office and we can help you.
5. Lend a helping hand: We welcome your creative ideas about how to advance causes FIC fights for in 2019. You can fill out a volunteer application and help us in a number of different ways. We would love volunteers to help us in the office and when we’re out doing work in the community. We’d love to know the ways you think FIC can make an impact in your city!
For more information on how to help or if you have any questions, email me at cbennett@ctfamily.org. Here’s to a great and victorious 2019!