
Assisted Suicide

Big Suicide Attacks Little Sisters of the Poor

Compassion & Choices — the George-Soros funded assisted suicide lobbying group formerly known as the Hemlock Society — has filed an amicus curiae brief in the Zubik v. Burwell case, or the …
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Rhode Island Considers Assisted Suicide Bill

Please see the following action alert from our friends at Rhode Island Right to Life, and please help spread the word:

Assisted Suicide Hearing Wed., March 23, Rhode Island …
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Assisted Suicide Lobby’s Biggest Defeat Yet?
8 years ago

Assisted Suicide Lobby’s Biggest Defeat Yet?

Last week was the opening of the 2016 legislative session in Connecticut. The scope of threats to life, faith, and family that may come out of the short session remains …
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Massachusetts Assisted Suicide Hearing Highlights

I want to share my experience from the Massachusetts assisted suicide hearing this past Tuesday for those who could not be present or who had to leave early. I hesitate …
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Massachusetts Assisted Suicide Hearing This Tuesday
9 years ago

Massachusetts Assisted Suicide Hearing This Tuesday

We urge every FIC member to attend, if possible, the Massachusetts assisted suicide bill hearing taking place Tuesday, October 27 at 1:00 in Room A-1/A-2 of the Massachusetts State House. …
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Assisted Suicide: More Second Thoughts For Courant Readers

Breaking: The New York Post reports that assisted suicide proponents in New York have lost their suit to overturn the state’s law. “State civil judge Joan Kenney ruled that while she was …
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Assisted Suicide: Cathy Ludlum Gives Norwich Second Thoughts
9 years ago

Assisted Suicide: Cathy Ludlum Gives Norwich Second Thoughts

After The Norwich Bulletin endorsed California governor Jerry Brown’s move and recommended that Connecticut legalize assisted suicide, Cathy Ludlum, a resident of Manchester and member of Second Thoughts Connecticut (our coalition partner …
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Pants On Fire: Fact-Checking Hartford Courant

Earlier this week, dealing a blow to the vulnerable sick, elderly, and disabled, California governor Jerry Brown signed an assisted suicide bill into law; the ink is barely dry.

Please …
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California Defeat, Connecticut Difference
9 years ago

California Defeat, Connecticut Difference

Family Institute of Connecticut was disappointed to learn that California passed an assisted suicide bill.  It is no secret the assisted suicide lobby views California as a great prize because …
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Maggie Karner, RIP

Maggie Karner died peacefully September 25th after a long fight against the same brain cancer that led to the much-celebrated assisted suicide of Brittany Maynard. You will never see Maggie …
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