Here is the latest on Planned Parenthood protests in Connecticut this week:
Tomorrow, August 18, pro-life citizens are encouraged to deliver letters to their representatives or call asking them to investigate and defund Planned Parenthood. There is no physical location for this protest; rather, letters and/or phone calls should go to one’s U.S. representative at his or her district home office, or state legislators at the offices of the Connecticut General Assembly. There is a sample letter posted here. To learn more about getting involved, please see (a project of Students For Life of America).
Find your U.S. House Representative here
Find your state legislators here
On Saturday, August 22, there is a national protest of Planned Parenthood. Peaceful prayer vigils will take place from 9:00-11:00 a.m. outside Planned Parenthood in at least three locations in Connecticut of which we are aware:
Enfield – 111 Hazard Avenue (Rte. 190) Parking is available down the street at Big Y (please do NOT use the Country Diner parking). Sponsored by St. Martha’s Parish. Contact: Linda or Greg Bailey 860-763-0509
Stamford – 1039 E. Main Street
Danbury – Planned Parenthood, 44 Main Street (Contact St. Lawrence O’Toole Parish Respect Life Group, Brewster, NY for details)
This is the most current and accurate information as we know it. There may be other vigil locations for Saturday, August 22. We will update information as it becomes available — watch this blog.