
Planned Parenthood

Our Ruling Elites Intend to Crush Us
7 years ago

Our Ruling Elites Intend to Crush Us

That is my takeaway from having spent all day Friday at a UConn Law School symposium on the clash between same-sex marriage and religious liberty. It was laid bare not by the …
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40 Days for Life Tomorrow (9/27) in Stamford
7 years ago

40 Days for Life Tomorrow (9/27) in Stamford

From our friends in Stamford. Please attend if you are in the area tomorrow:

Please join us for the Opening Day Rally for the first ever 40 Days for Life, Stamford — …
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Antisemitism, Pride Parades, and Planned Parenthood

Antisemitism is the world’s longest and most enduring hatred.  Jews have been targeted with violent hatred all the way back to ancient Greece and Rome, and even before (the Book …
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Replacing Federal $$ with State $$ would bring clarity to voters.
7 years ago

Replacing Federal $$ with State $$ would bring clarity to voters.

By  •  Pro-Life, Politics

Despite all the hyperbole about losing federal funding, it seems the state of Connecticut would attempt to replace any lost funding for Planned Parenthood CT.  This is expected.  Bad news …
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Good Gorsuch, Defensive Duff
7 years ago

Good Gorsuch, Defensive Duff

With the nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, President Trump has kept his promise to the American people to pick a conservative who would interpret the Constitution as …
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More Flexer Falsehoods and Croucher Faux Pas’
8 years ago

More Flexer Falsehoods and Croucher Faux Pas’

We told you yesterday how Sen. Mae Flexer misled the Hartford press corps about an ultrasound bill during Monday’s pro-abortion press conference at the state Capitol.

That was apparently not …
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FakeNews Flexer
8 years ago

FakeNews Flexer

There was some brief anger among Connecticut pro-lifers yesterday when the media misreported a pro-life bill as mandating “transvaginal” ultrasounds.

But it was not the media’s fault. It was Sen. …
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Massive Pro-Abortion Attack in CT
8 years ago

Massive Pro-Abortion Attack in CT

[This was originally an FIC Action email alert sent to our members on 1/23/17. ~ PW]

It all comes back to abortion.

Make no mistake. Though the word was curiously …
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The abortion industry’s role in the pro-choice Women’s Marches in D.C and CT
8 years ago

The abortion industry’s role in the pro-choice Women’s Marches in D.C and CT

By  •  Pro-Life

Potentially thousands of Connecticut Women will be attending the controversial Women’s March in D.C. The Harford Courant reports plans for about 80 buses to leave from CT early on Jan 21st …
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Make CT Family-Friendly Again
8 years ago

Make CT Family-Friendly Again

The Hartford Courant called Family Institute of Connecticut executive director Peter Wolfgang the other day to ask if recent events in Washington and Hartford will lead to the de-funding of …
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