Family Institute of Connecticut is pleased to announce that State Rep. Vincent Candelora will be FIC’s 2018 Charles Stetson Awardee. The award is given each year at our annual banquet to whomever has shown the most courage in pro-family battles over the previous 12 months.
It was Rep. Candelora who gave the most important speech of the year during the three-and-a-half-hour debate in the Connecticut House of Representatives over whether to confirm Justice Andrew McDonald’s nomination for Chief Justice.
It was Rep. Candelora who boldly proclaimed the truth: That Andrew McDonald had once tried to pass a law to “statutorily re-organize the Catholic Church in Connecticut to make it so that the Church could not exist in this state.”
It was Rep. Candelora who made clear what was at stake: “As a practicing Catholic all my life, it really struck me to the core that the legislature was embarking on a potential path to eliminate my ability to practice religion in the State of Connecticut.”
And it was Rep. Candelora who directly called out McDonald for his outrageous action: “I felt the animosity that was seen and the attack that was done on a particular religion in the State of Connecticut was unbecoming” of someone in McDonald’s position.
In a year in which FIC experienced so many victories, our triumph over Andrew McDonald’s nomination was the biggest of all. And it was, above all, Rep. Vincent Candelora who gave public voice to why Andrew McDonald deserved to be defeated.
Click here to see Rep. Candelora’s remarkable speech.
We have much to celebrate on September 20th. And we hope you will join us.
Please click here to purchase your tickets to the Tenth Annual FIC Banquet now.
Thank you!