“Why We Lost”: Assisted Suicide Lobby’s Hilarious Spin
Because facing down the culture of death can be incredibly grim business, it is so important during major battles to keep a sense of humor. Fortunately, the material our opponents provide is sometimes downright funny.
The assisted suicide lobby is currently stuck in the spin cycle after a crushing defeat in committee. The Former Hemlock Society’s latest newsletter opines:
Progress seemed inevitable in Connecticut early in the 2015 session. A new Quinnipiac poll showed a two-point uptick in support for aid-in-dying legislation (up to 63%) just days before a key hearing in the Judiciary Committee on the bill – which had more co-sponsors than any bill in Connecticut that session. …But C&C’s efforts weren’t quite enough to move the bill out of committee. Well-funded religious and conservative organizations mounted a last-minute blitz, and Connecticut lawmakers decided they will not revisit aid in dying again until 2016. People power is always the best answer to deep-pocketed opposition.
Poor C&C. Local may be desperate, but national is just clueless. The left hand does not seem to know what the right is doing — like when a spokesperson admitted to WNPR that they had their own bill pulled because, in his own words, a no vote would set the cause back years.
It’s laughable to think that “last-minute” anything is the sole reason for the failure of a campaign that has targeted our state with a vengeance for three consecutive years, pouring nearly half a million dollars into an effort to pass a bill that “the electorate doesn’t seem to care that much about…no matter what the polling says.” Doubtless, they thought Brittany Maynard or perhaps Barbara Mancini was their ace in the hole this time, and are at a loss, scrambling for such tepid consolations as a two-point variation (well within the margin of error) in an already dubious poll and the idea that it will take even more years and more cash to “build consensus.”
Meanwhile, some of the biggest heroes from the public hearing were doctors and nurses, terminally ill individuals themselves like Maggie Karner, and advocates for people with disabilities like Meghan Schrader, who actually paid out of her own Social Security to travel to the hearing. Our side doesn’t have the bottomless bank account of George Soros — and make no mistake, Soros‘s footprints are all over this.
What does our side have? Courage, conviction, and love of our home state — love of all that is good about it, as well as all it could be.
FIC is proudly supported by thousands of residents, as well as home-grown organizations of the state of Connecticut. We don’t get a dime from the Koch brothers. Out-of-state billionaires and their shadowy front groups are not behind our victories.
“People power is always the best answer to deep-pocketed opposition.”
Indeed. Thanks, C&C — we couldn’t have said it better ourselves!