
Posts By Peter Wolfgang

Latest Posts | By Peter Wolfgang
Big Suicide’s Dog Whistles against Christian Beliefs?
3 years ago

Big Suicide’s Dog Whistles against Christian Beliefs?


SB 88, the assisted suicide bill, …
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And the State’s Unborn Children Are at Their Mercy
3 years ago

And the State’s Unborn Children Are at Their Mercy

How much more could it be expanded?” you might ask. Connecticut already has some of the most permissive abortion laws in the country, with almost no restrictions.

Christina Bennett Needs Your Prayers
4 years ago

Christina Bennett Needs Your Prayers

Rosa DeLauro, a Connecticut Congresswoman, has been elected chairperson of the Appropriations Committee. It is a very influential position. Our local press is understandably enamored with how Rep. DeLauro’s new role could benefit Connecticut.

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In CT, Media Wear Trump-Hatred on Their Head
4 years ago

In CT, Media Wear Trump-Hatred on Their Head

Until the election results are certified and the legal challenges are resolved, there is no President-Elect. But the media is working overtime to tell you otherwise.

Here in Connecticut, The Hartford Courant is …
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NY’s Planned Parenthood Admits Racist Origins. When Will CT’s?
4 years ago

NY’s Planned Parenthood Admits Racist Origins. When Will CT’s?

We never thought we would see the day. Planned Parenthood of Greater New York has acknowledged the racist roots of the abortion giant’s founder, Margaret Sanger. Here is the New …
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Pregnancy Center Sues City of Hartford
6 years ago

Pregnancy Center Sues City of Hartford

We warned them. They didn’t listen. Now they’re being sued.

And we can only hope our state legislature will be wiser than was the City of Hartford.

Family Institute of …
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URGENT: Public Hearing MONDAY, 2/11 for Anti-Pregnancy Center Bill
6 years ago

URGENT: Public Hearing MONDAY, 2/11 for Anti-Pregnancy Center Bill

Early yesterday afternoon FIC Action e-mailed you the news that a public hearing for the Anti-Pregnancy Center Bill “could be as early as this Monday, Feb. 11th. Less than three …
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Connecticut in the Crosshairs, 2019
6 years ago

Connecticut in the Crosshairs, 2019

This is the time of year when everyone yells “squirrel!” and we have to look. The bills are coming fast and furious in this legislative session and we want you to …
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What We Like About Ned Lamont
6 years ago

What We Like About Ned Lamont

The reporter was correct, of course. I was psyched when Ned Lamont held a press conference attacking Family Institute of Connecticut a mere two days after winning the Democratic nomination …
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Rep. Vincent Candelora is 2018 Stetson Awardee
6 years ago

Rep. Vincent Candelora is 2018 Stetson Awardee

Family Institute of Connecticut is pleased to announce that State Rep. Vincent Candelora will be FIC’s 2018 Charles Stetson Awardee. The award is given each year at our annual banquet to …
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