

Affirmative Consent Won’t Fix Hookup Culture

By  •  Culture, Education

For the second year, a legislative committee is considering an “Affirmative Consent” bill that purportedly changes the standard for what constitutes sexual assault on college campuses, from “no means no” …
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An Open Letter to Donald Trump

Family Institute of Connecticut Action and others call upon Donald Trump to answer questions about where he stands on family issues.

[Over the course of a long career in the …
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Daniel Wynne on Secular Intolerance
8 years ago

Daniel Wynne on Secular Intolerance

Next Thursday (February 11) at 7:00 p.m. at the Hagaman Memorial Library in East Haven, Christian apologist Daniel Wynne of New Britain will speak about the hostile culture in …
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Gender-Neutral Garb Fights Descend Into Absurdity
9 years ago

Gender-Neutral Garb Fights Descend Into Absurdity

By  •  Culture, Education

Rumor has it that Glastonbury High School’s decision to switch to gender-neutral graduation gowns was made out of deference to a student at the school who identifies as transgender.

At …
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Task Force Takes On Human Trafficking

In recent years, FIC was proud to join other advocates to seek stronger protections against human trafficking in Connecticut; those efforts paid off with the passage of H.B. 5666.

Putting …
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Shocker: Marriage Decline Worsens In CT

By  •  Culture, Family life

Earlier this month, The Hartford Courant reported on an unsurprising trend: the decline of “basic building blocks of society” — specifically the natural family. Connecticut appears to be a canary …
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Shame on the Chamber.

By  •  Culture, Family life

Shame on the Glastonbury Chamber of Commerce for peddling pictures of a naked boy sheathed by a “sold” sign in their “Men of Glastonbury Chamber 2016” calendar (blandly reported here …
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Chris Murphy’s Prayer Shaming

The junior U.S. Senator from Connecticut, Chris Murphy, responded horribly to the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California on Wednesday when he tweeted this response to people offering their prayers …
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No, It’s Not ‘Black Thursday’

By  •  Culture, Family life

This post originally appeared on FIC Blog for Thanksgiving, 2013. Author’s note: I’m saddened to see that my prediction about coercive corporate policies was dead on. However, my unscientific observation …
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Cheerful ‘Divorce Selfies’ — Just Plain Wrong
9 years ago

Cheerful ‘Divorce Selfies’ — Just Plain Wrong

By  •  Culture, Family life

The print edition of yesterday’s Hartford Courant, by way of the Washington Post, reports on a ‘trend’ that reeks of the worst aspects of a “me, me, ME” society and leaves us disgusted: exultant “divorce …
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