The Whole Enchilada

The Hartford Courant called Family Institute of Connecticut executive director Peter Wolfgang the other day to ask if recent events in Washington and Hartford will lead to the de-funding of Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider.

True to his reputation for outspokenness, Peter cut to the chase. Here’s the pull-out quote in the Sunday Courant:


The Courant helpfully explains:

“For Wolfgang and other anti-abortion activists, the ‘whole enchilada’ is a complete rollback of Roe v. Wade. Throughout the campaign, Trump repeatedly stated his opposition to abortion rights and pledged to appoint Supreme Court justices who share his views.”

Make no mistake. FIC is not “putting aside” the defunding of Planned Parenthood or any other desirable goal on the road to full protection for unborn children. We will fight for whatever is possible while continuing toward our ultimate aim of a world where every unborn child is protected in law and welcomed in life.

And our opponents know it. The pro-abortion lobby NARAL Pro-Choice CT has gone hysterical on Facebook this past week, complaining bitterly of state legislators endorsed by the political arm of a pro-life group. “What is the anti-choice organization?” asks one frightened pro-abortionist, to which NARAL responds:

“They were endorsed by the Family Institute of CT. We try not to give FIC too much attention.”

Oops! Too late, NARAL!

Connecticut’s pro-abortionists recognize FIC as the foe who could topple their empire and restore legal protection to the unborn in our state.

Watch for more information on what you can to make Connecticut family-friendly again!

[The above post was originally a Nov. 15th email to FIC members. ~ PW]