Newtown and Abortion: “Senseless Slaughter”
Our friends at the editorial page of the (Waterbury) Republican-American pull no punches:
More senseless slaughter: While Americans continue to try to come to grips with the senseless slaughter of children in the Sandy Hook Massacre, Planned Parenthood has disclosed in its annual report that with the help of more than a half-billion dollars in taxpayer-funded grants and reimbursements, it performed 333,904 abortions. It killed all those unborn children in the name of birth control and “essential health care for women and families”.
Up until now Family Institute of Connecticut has not discussed the policy implications of Newtown. You can read the email alert we sent to our members on the day of the massacre here and if you scroll down FIC Blog you will see that we have posted a number of spiritual items related to it.
It hit us hard, as, of course, it did everyone. I was actually on the highway in Newtown at about the time it happened, on my way to an appointment in New Rochelle. Our policy assistant, Jessica, attended the school and has a brother in first grade at Newtown’s other elementary school. There are other connections, but you get the idea. Connecticut is a small state. We all know each other. The horror of this event, which would have been horrible no matter where it happened, was amplified by the smallness of Connecticut.
FIC stayed silent even as The Courant’s reporting on the victims, oddly, highlighted abortion and same-sex “marriage.” One victim, we were told, celebrated President Obama’s re-election on facebook because it meant her daughters would have the right to take the lives of her grandchildren. Another victim was praised by her former professor for exploring discussions of alternative family arrangements with her young students.
The gratuitous references to where the victims stood on culture-war issues was so weirdly exploitative that even responding to it seemed exploitative. So we chose to wait until all the dead were buried. And once that happened, we still waited because it did not feel right. And then the Republican-American’s very obvious point this morning, and the more arguable conclusions about Newtown being bandied about in Hartford and Washington, reminded us that no one else is waiting.
One week from this Tuesday the United States will mark the 40th anniversary of a Supreme Court decision that led to the legal killing of over fifty million of our fellow citizens. Here in Connecticut, it will be celebrated at the Capitol by all the forces in control of our state government–the same forces who are rightly horrified by the Newtown massacre but lack the ability or the will to make the connection between it and their own support for the culture of death.
Just days after the Newtown massacre, in “High Price of Adaptability,” our friends at the Republican-American–again–made the connection for them:
Any conversation about the role of violent video games and movies must acknowledge they only are a reflection of a larger, darker societal issue: the devaluation of human life. Americans want the end of mass murders of children, yet we as a nation cavalierly cast them adrift in society, the consequence of liberalized divorce and promiscuous procreation, condemning untold millions to lives of poverty, crime, physical and sexual abuse, and other horrors. We as a nation claim to value every child, yet we write off the killing of the unborn as an exercise of ‘choice’ and accuse those who question the exercise of this ‘right’ as waging ‘war on women.
That same “devaluation of human life” can be seen this week in Sen. Meyer’s introduction of the assisted suicide bill, which Family Institute of Connecticut Action will oppose.
January 11, 2013
I wish I had done as well, personally. It’s difficult when other people don’t seem to feel any shame.
January 11, 2013
All good points here! I was also appalled to find out that the People’s Choice Awards just chose the movie, The Hunger Games, as winner of their 2013 award. The book and movie is about child sacrifice?! Yes, “a larger, darker societal issue: the devaluation of human life” is ALARMING and only real spiritual renewal can stimulate change. The Church must make new and passionate efforts to win and disciple souls for the Kingdom of God.