
judicial activism

Rep. Vincent Candelora is 2018 Stetson Awardee
6 years ago

Rep. Vincent Candelora is 2018 Stetson Awardee

Family Institute of Connecticut is pleased to announce that State Rep. Vincent Candelora will be FIC’s 2018 Charles Stetson Awardee. The award is given each year at our annual banquet to …
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Tim Herbst for Governor
6 years ago

Tim Herbst for Governor

Today, Family Institute of Connecticut Action Committee (FIC PAC) is pleased to announce that it has endorsed former Trumbull First Selectman Tim Herbst for Governor.

Herbst will do more to …
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Andrew McDonald and the Limits of Gay McCarthyism
6 years ago

Andrew McDonald and the Limits of Gay McCarthyism

Minutes ago the State Senate voted down the nomination of Andrew McDonald for Chief Justice of the Connecticut Supreme Court. His supporters claim his defeat shows homophobia on the part …
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Reject McDonald Not Because He’s Gay But Because He’s An Activist
7 years ago

Reject McDonald Not Because He’s Gay But Because He’s An Activist

[UPDATE 1/17: FIC Action’s campaign against the confirmation of Andrew McDonald for Chief Justice has been launched. Click here to contact your state legislators and ask them to vote no.] …
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Our Ruling Elites Intend to Crush Us
7 years ago

Our Ruling Elites Intend to Crush Us

That is my takeaway from having spent all day Friday at a UConn Law School symposium on the clash between same-sex marriage and religious liberty. It was laid bare not by the …
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An Open Letter to Donald Trump

Family Institute of Connecticut Action and others call upon Donald Trump to answer questions about where he stands on family issues.

[Over the course of a long career in the …
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SCOTUS and Connecticut
9 years ago

SCOTUS and Connecticut

The U.S. Supreme Court got it wrong today in its decision forcing the people in all 50 states to embrace same-sex marriage. There is nothing in the U.S. Constitution that …
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Justice Asks: Will CT Supreme Court Be “Philosopher Kings”?
9 years ago

Justice Asks: Will CT Supreme Court Be “Philosopher Kings”?


Pro-family Connecticut residents may recall from 2008 my frequent descriptions of our State Supreme Court as “philosopher kings” for literally legislating same-sex marriage from the bench (they ruled on …
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