
Posts By Nicole

Latest Posts | By Nicole
March for Life Not Fit for Print in Courant
10 years ago

March for Life Not Fit for Print in Courant

The Hartford Courant digital edition has thrown pro-lifers a bone — an itty, bitty chicken wing bone. A search using the terms “March for Life” yielded six relevant hits …
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New England Ripe for Biblical Message
10 years ago

New England Ripe for Biblical Message

By  •  Prayer

Hartford has landed near the bottom of American Bible Society’s latest ranking of most Bible-minded cities in the U.S.  New England is over-represented, in general. Anybody shocked?

One could …
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Latest Media Snubs: Assisted Suicide Edition
10 years ago

Latest Media Snubs: Assisted Suicide Edition

You just have to love the nation’s oldest continuously-published newspaper.

Thanks to the AP, over 100 news outlets covered the highly successful, first-ever East Coast Conference Against Assisted Suicide which …
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Assisted Suicide Lobby Deceives With “Sympathy Card”
10 years ago

Assisted Suicide Lobby Deceives With “Sympathy Card”

By  •  Pro-Life

The 2015 legislative session began last week. This means “game on” for us, particularly since we anticipate another battle on assisted suicide. Now is a good time to remind …
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Catholic Conference Analyzes CT Abortion Data
10 years ago

Catholic Conference Analyzes CT Abortion Data

By  •  Pro-Life

The Connecticut Catholic Conference released its annual report on abortion in Connecticut on December 31. I encourage all our readers to spend a few minutes familiarizing themselves with it, …
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Scrap the Hippocratic Oath?
10 years ago

Scrap the Hippocratic Oath?

By  •  Pro-Life

An op-ed in The Hartford Courant today calls the Hippocratic Oath “more archaic than a washboard” and “a roughly 2,000-year-old text with only marginal relevance to medicine today.” It peeves …
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Betrayal Hurts, But We Keep Moving
10 years ago

Betrayal Hurts, But We Keep Moving

The best lack all conviction, while the worst / Are full of passionate intensity. – Yeats (“The Second Coming”)

I do not pretend to know what is really behind “pro-life” …
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