

“…Henceforth Shall Be Free.”

By  •  Prayer

On this June 19th – “Juneteenth,” the day African-Americans first learned of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1865 – Family Institute of Connecticut expresses our condolences to the victims of the …
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Impact CT: Early Bird Registration Extended To April 15
9 years ago

Impact CT: Early Bird Registration Extended To April 15

By  •  Prayer, Events

FIC is proud to be a sponsor of Impact Connecticut 2015, May 1-2 at Vertical Church in West Haven.  The conference organizers want as many people as possible to take advantage …
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New England Ripe for Biblical Message
10 years ago

New England Ripe for Biblical Message

By  •  Prayer

Hartford has landed near the bottom of American Bible Society’s latest ranking of most Bible-minded cities in the U.S.  New England is over-represented, in general. Anybody shocked?

One could …
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WCCC Now K-Love
10 years ago

WCCC Now K-Love

By  •  Prayer

The following is a reflection by Drew Crandall, the proprietor of Jacob’s Well Christian Coffeehouse and a member of FIC’s Media Advisory Council, on a major development in Hartford’s …
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4th of July About Nation’s Ideals
10 years ago

4th of July About Nation’s Ideals

By  •  Politics, Prayer

[Pastor Rick McKinniss is the Senior Leader of Wellspring Church in Berlin, CT]

The 4th of July is being threatened these days by an odd sort of “military coup”. …
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Pope Francis and Connecticut
11 years ago

Pope Francis and Connecticut

Family Institute of Connecticut is hearing from both concerned friends and gleeful foes over comments by Pope Francis that are being spun in the media as “Pope wants Catholics …
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Impact Connecticut’s 40 Days of Worship

By  •  Prayer, Events

Our friends at Impact Connecticut, a successor organization to the Connecticut House of Prayer, are planning a 40 Days of Worship Initiative throughout our state’s churches in September and …
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Six Years Later

[Note: It has not been FIC’s practice to re-post all of our email alerts to our members here on the blog. But the one below, from July 1st, has …
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Ours Is Not a Bitter Zeal

“You must love Connecticut if you want to win Connecticut. You cannot win without love.”

It is that time of year again.

FIC’s Summer Fundraising Campaign has begun. Those …
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Chuck Pierce in Connecticut This Friday

By  •  Prayer, Events

International events are understandably occupying the religious news headlines this week. But closer to home, flying under the radar, a very significant spiritual movement has been building here in …
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