C&C spreads their "cock & bull" story.
Compassion & Choices and their spokespeople continually claim there are no cases of abuse from Oregon. They base this claim on the official reports issued by the Oregon Health Authority. The reports are based on self-reporting by doctors not required to be present at the time of death, so, according to the Oregon Health Authority they may not be used to “detect or accurately comment on issues that may be under reported.” – i.e. cases of abuse. They also call those doctors’ reports all possible “cock and bull stories.”
So why does the organization formerly known as the Hemlock Society continue this charade? Big lie theory we guess. More importantly, we should recognize the cases of abuse that have been uncovered – we owe it to the victims. They are people like you and me. They can be our parents, our spouses and our own children. There are many listed in our section on Assisted Suicide, but we also direct your attention to this crushing OpEd by Stephen Mendelsohn, a spokesperson for Second Thoughts Connecticut, published in The Connecticut Mirror. We don’t share all of Second Thoughts’ politics, but we do share their passion for exposing the half-truths of assisted-suicide.