FIC's attorneys have been hard at work filing briefs to protect Connecticut children and parents.
Sign our petition against Attorney General Tong’s efforts to protect the secret transing of students in public schools – including Connecticut.
Connecticut Attorney General Tong has proudly signed his name to a lawsuit brief that supports usurping parental rights so that schools may secretly and without a medical degree, diagnose and treat children for mental illness without their parents’ knowledge or consent. Then, shocking the conscience, begin the process of gender affirmation at school, which notoriously leads to a path of surgical transition for children.
And when we say “secretly”, we are not being metaphorical or using analogies. We mean that his office advocates that schools **literally** hide a child’s gender dysphoria and divergent pronoun use from their parents by forcing teachers and counselors to lie.
Did he have a good excuse? Was there abuse or even threats of retaliation? NO, this is a pre-emptive assault against all parents based on supposed good will that must be preserved between student and teacher. That’s it. How pathetic.
What is wrong with our public officials and the people who continue to elect them? Can there be a worse use of public resources than our own Attorney General’s Office advocating to remove parental rights without a cause of action and without the rule of law? We think not.
To that end, the Family Institute of Connecticut is pleased to announce that our attorneys filed briefs months ago because we know how important the child-parent relationship is – even MORE IMPORTANT than the relationship between child and school. You can view our briefs in the case of Foote v Ludlow here and here.
Parents across our state and really, our country, need your public support now to oppose Attorney General Tong as this case is likely to head to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is not immune to public influence and a petition of Connecticut citizens against Tong’s effort would help deflate his brief. Your voice can matter. Please sign your name and share with like-minded friends and relatives this summer.
Have you had a chance to donate to our matching summer grant? Legal analysis and brief filing is not cheap. Please help us continue to work hard in the legislative, education and judicial arena by sharing our summer matching grant program with friends and family today!