
Assisted Suicide

Gov. Malloy, Pope Francis and 40 Days for Life
9 years ago

Gov. Malloy, Pope Francis and 40 Days for Life

Recognizing, of course, that we are all sinners (Romans 3:23) and that Pope Francis himself is a figure of controversy on the Right, Family Institute of Connecticut is nevertheless delighted …
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Did George Will’s Conservative Brand Just Commit Suicide?

It’s not a great week to be George Will. Since the dean of conservative columnists came out in favor of assisted suicide, a significant and strange metamorphosis from the Will of …
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“Why We Lost”: Assisted Suicide Lobby’s Hilarious Spin

Because facing down the culture of death can be incredibly grim business, it is so important during major battles to keep a sense of humor. Fortunately, the material our opponents …
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“Nothing About Us Without Us”
9 years ago

“Nothing About Us Without Us”

I’d never heard the phrase before I joined the coalition to fight assisted suicide, but I have heard it often since: “Nothing About Us Without Us.” An announcement from the …
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9 years ago


On April 14, at 5:00 p.m., the Assisted Suicide bill “died in committee” for the third year in a row. We told you all three years that defeating the Assisted Suicide bill in Committee was the highest …
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The “Me, Myself and I” campaign continues.
9 years ago

The “Me, Myself and I” campaign continues.

We were not surprised to learn from Capitol Watch that the organization formerly known as the Hemlock Society has resumed their “me, myself and I” (or something like that) campaign …
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Ignoring the victims of assisted suicide.
9 years ago

Ignoring the victims of assisted suicide.

Compassion & Choices and their spokespeople continually claim there are no cases of abuse from Oregon.  They base this claim on the official reports issued by the Oregon Health Authority. …
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Public Hearing Success!
9 years ago

Public Hearing Success!

Family Institute of Connecticut is proud to report that opponents of assisted suicide were the vast majority of people testifying and present at the hearing on H.B.7015 . . by a …
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CT Hospice: Assisted Suicide Threatens People With Disabilities
9 years ago

CT Hospice: Assisted Suicide Threatens People With Disabilities

Connecticut Hospice has released Parts 5 and 6 of its video series on assisted suicide.  Although there are reports that the bill is dead for this legislative session, we at …
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