
Take Action

The “MAP” (Pedophilia) Anti-Discrimination Bill, HB6638
1 year ago

The “MAP” (Pedophilia) Anti-Discrimination Bill, HB6638

By  •  Take Action

Contact your Senator today to oppose expanding CT’s Anti-Discrimination law to Minor Attracted Persons (MAP)s.

I’m using the preferred label of “minor attracted persons (MAP)” instead of the …
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Bad Batch of Bills at the General Assembly
1 year ago

Bad Batch of Bills at the General Assembly

By  •  Take Action

Please contact your legislators on all of these bills using our Action Center today! HB6617 – The Handmaid’s Tale of Connecticut bill

Are you familiar with The Handmaid’s Tale …
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HB6410 targets free speech of online advocates.
1 year ago

HB6410 targets free speech of online advocates.

Peter Wolfgang, President of Family Institute of Connecticut Action submitted testimony against HB6410 as unnecessarily chilling the rights of online advocates. You can follow HB 6410 and sign an …
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Legislative Update ZOOM Meeting: Mondays 7pm
1 year ago

Legislative Update ZOOM Meeting: Mondays 7pm

By  •  Take Action

RETURNING MAY 8, 2023: Register here for our Monday night ZOOM meetings for FIC members:

Join us Monday nights at 7pm for an ongoing Q&A about activity …
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Connecticut March For Life: 3/22/23
1 year ago

Connecticut March For Life: 3/22/23

Mark your calendars for our second annual event and register using the link below. All the information you need can be found on the Connecticut March for Life page. …
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Action Still Needed against HB 6618 Abortion Tourism Bill
1 year ago

Action Still Needed against HB 6618 Abortion Tourism Bill

By  •  Take Action

Connecticut pro-lifers had a great showing against HB 6618, Connecticut’s Abortion Tourism Bill: 460 written testimonies AGAINST the bill vs. only 11 – mostly professional abortion activists …
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2022 FIC Action Committee Rolling Endorsements
2 years ago

2022 FIC Action Committee Rolling Endorsements

By  •  Take Action

The Family Institute of Connecticut Action Committee is a registered state political action committee. FIC Action Committee was created in 2004 to elect pro-family candidates to our state government.

Below …
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New “Yes You Will” campaign starts today.
2 years ago

New “Yes You Will” campaign starts today.

Send in your letter. Complete our survey. It can be that easy!

Ever wonder what happens in those first few days after a guidance counselor or teacher gleefully …
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Start with Opting-Out
2 years ago

Start with Opting-Out

Are you unhappy with [explicit warning . . ] porny books in your kid’s school and local libraries? “Change rooms” to hide mental illness from parents? Gingerbread gender worksheets …
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CT wants to know if your kid is bi-sexual and eats excessive potatoes.
2 years ago

CT wants to know if your kid is bi-sexual and eats excessive potatoes.

Breaking: Participate in our Connecticut Opt-Out Campaign to get your kids out of cringy school surveys. AND plan to attend our September 24, 2022 Let Kids Be Kids Conference in …
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