

The battle of the signs this Christmas in the city of Shelton
8 years ago

The battle of the signs this Christmas in the city of Shelton

Shelton resident Jerry Bloom describes himself as a secular humanist. Bloom recently was allowed to put up a “Winter Solstice” banner in the public park on Huntington Green (for …
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Ex-Catholics in CT: Right Question, Wrong Sources
8 years ago

Ex-Catholics in CT: Right Question, Wrong Sources

You have to admire their chutzpah.

The National Catholic Reporter, the Bible of the Catholic Left (as opposed to other Catholics whose Bible is, well, the Bible), has an article …
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Decision America Tour: Franklin Graham is coming to Hartford, CT on September 1st!

Franklin Graham is the beloved eldest son of evangelist Billy and Ruth Graham. He is the current President of Samaritan’s purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Graham has devoted …
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Keep Pressure On For Christian Genocide Victims
8 years ago

Keep Pressure On For Christian Genocide Victims

By  •  Take Action, World

Take Action — Urge Congress to Declare ISIS Atrocities “Genocide”

It has been over two months since Faith McDonnell, Religious Liberty Program Director of the Institute on Religion and Democracy, …
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Daniel Wynne on Secular Intolerance
8 years ago

Daniel Wynne on Secular Intolerance

Next Thursday (February 11) at 7:00 p.m. at the Hagaman Memorial Library in East Haven, Christian apologist Daniel Wynne of New Britain will speak about the hostile culture in …
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Aug. 28 Rallies Supporting Persecuted Christians
9 years ago

Aug. 28 Rallies Supporting Persecuted Christians

By  •  World, Events

Spearheaded by our friend Bill Brown, citizens will be holding simultaneous poster rallies — bearing signs at rush hour — on Friday, August 28, where support for persecuted Christians and …
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Take Action for Persecuted Christians Now
9 years ago

Take Action for Persecuted Christians Now

As a state organization, we rarely get involved in international affairs, but the atrocities we are witnessing in the Middle East demand outcry.

Today there is an opportunity to speak up for …
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