We Need You in Hartford on Tuesday
FIC Action needs as many pro-lifers as possible to come to the Legislative Office Building this Tuesday, Mar. 20th, to testify against two different bills, a bill legalizing assisted suicide in Connecticut (HB 5417) and a bill empowering pro-abortionists to censor the advertising of pro-life pregnancy centers (HB 5416).
Here are your six action items:
1) Email your legislators right now and ask them to vote NO on these two bills. Email them against assisted suicide by clicking here and then clicking on the “review your message” button. Email them against the anti-pregnancy center bill by clicking here and then clicking the “review your message” button.
2) Write and submit testimony to the Committee before the deadline. You don’t have to give testimony verbally, if you don’t want to. You don’t even have to be physically present, if you cannot be there. But it is important that the written public record show how many people oppose these bills. Here’s the rules for submitting testimony:
The Public Health Committee will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, March 20, 2018 at 11:00 A.M. in Room 2C of the LOB. The Committee is accepting electronic testimony via email at phtestimony@cga.ct.gov. Please submit electronic testimony in Word or PDF format no later than 12:00 P.M. on Monday, March 19, 2018. If you are unable to submit electronic testimony, please submit 10 copies of your written testimony no later than 9:30 A.M. on Tuesday, March 20, 2018 in Room 3000 of the LOB. Please submit separate testimony for each bill. Testimony submitted after the deadline will be made available to legislators after the hearing. Sign-up for the hearing will begin at 9:00 A.M. in the First Floor Atrium of the LOB. The first hour of the hearing is reserved for Legislators, Constitutional Officers, State Agency Heads and Chief Elected Municipal Officials. Speakers will be limited to three minutes of testimony. Bills will be heard in the order listed in the Bulletin. Unofficial sign-up sheets have no standing with the Committee.
3) Come to the Legislative Office Building on Tuesday, March 20th to attend the public hearing and show your opposition. Even if you choose not to testify, please come to the hearing if you can. Just your silent presence, wearing our stickers, sends a powerful message to the legislators.
4) Attend FIC Action’s Pro-Family Lobby Day the very next day, Wednesday, March 21st, if you can. Details are here. But if you can only afford to come to the Legislative Office Building in Hartford for one day next week, Tuesday, Mar. 20th is the more important day. It is crucial that we have as big a turnout as possible for the public hearing on Tuesday.
5) Share this blog post far and wide. Post it on your social media, email the link to likeminded friends, etc. We need to get the word out ASAP.
6) Pray! We need a lot of prayer this time.