
About Leslie

#1 Fan of Peter Wolfgang
Latest Posts | By Leslie
Why Assisted Suicide dies every year in Connecticut.
5 years ago

Why Assisted Suicide dies every year in Connecticut.

Despite celebrity endorsements, fancy lobbyists, multi-colored lapel stickers, printed t-shirts, and the close to half million dollars, even more, that has been spent by a well-heeled national group in Connecticut …
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No one knows that day or hour . . .
6 years ago

No one knows that day or hour . . .

“No one knows that day or hour,”* not even physicians, as confirmed by a new study highlighted by the New York Times in their 2018 Christmas Eve article entitled Misconceptions About …
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First Amendment Conversion

Connecticut legislators have proposed a bill that promises to ban conversion therapy for minors and FIC has publicly questioned the need for it.

Family Institute of Connecticut believes in the …
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Adding insult to injury.

Mae Flexer and the Connecticut Alliance to End Sexual Violence want to increase the tax on marriage with SB 1011, ostensibly to fund sexual assault and domestic violence prevention and services:

Public …
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Dear LGBT Lobby: Name Them

From 3/7/2017 e-mail blast . . . Powerful LGBT Lobby Holds Public Hearing to Outlaw Non-Existent Practice in CT

There was no juvenile trash talking of FIC this time, no amateurish interruptions of the media’s …
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Don’t Bet on East Windsor Casino

By  •  Take Action, Culture

According to the media, a presumptuous “signing ceremony” has been planned by tribal and elected officials for a new “revenge casino” in East Windsor.  I say, “revenge casino” because it is …
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Invite: March 13, 2017 Lobby Day
7 years ago

Invite: March 13, 2017 Lobby Day

By  •  Take Action

Pro-abortion activists have been on the march in Connecticut and elsewhere these past two months. It is time for Connecticut pro-lifers to get active too. It is time for us …
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Replacing Federal $$ with State $$ would bring clarity to voters.
7 years ago

Replacing Federal $$ with State $$ would bring clarity to voters.

By  •  Pro-Life, Politics

Despite all the hyperbole about losing federal funding, it seems the state of Connecticut would attempt to replace any lost funding for Planned Parenthood CT.  This is expected.  Bad news …
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Hartford Courant publishes Fake News
7 years ago

Hartford Courant publishes Fake News

One of the problems each journalist must overcome (hopefully in journalism school) is setting aside the story they want to tell, in favor of fairness or facts.  An example of …
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Merry Christmas from The Wolfgangs and Family Institute of Connecticut

By  •  Family life

On behalf of the Family Institute of Connecticut–and our own family–we want to wish a most blessed Christmas to all of FIC’s members. It is your generous support–and divine providence–that …
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