

Gosnell Trial And Our Nation’s Unfinished Business

By  •  Pro-Life

Two years ago today, Kermit Gosnell was convicted of murder, bringing a definitive, ignominious, and horrifically overdue end to decades of unspeakable crimes against women and babies. In addition, the …
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The Man With Two Brains: Blumenthal’s Amnesia On Human Trafficking Bill
9 years ago

The Man With Two Brains: Blumenthal’s Amnesia On Human Trafficking Bill

By  •  Pro-Life, Politics

I go to great effort to keep disagreements with political opponents as respectful as possible. Still, there are times when I really struggle to comprehend how politicians can think and …
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March For Marriage: For The Love Of Nature
9 years ago

March For Marriage: For The Love Of Nature

The Annual March for Marriage takes place this Saturday, April 25. As the Supreme Court prepares to hear arguments on whether the states are obligated to redefine marriage, and the freedom …
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We Stopped “Right-To-Die.” Now Let’s Pass Right To Try

Back in February, after I testified on behalf of FIC Action in favor of H.B. 6709 “An Act Concerning the Right to Try Experimental Drugs,” I received a very nice …
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9 years ago


On April 14, at 5:00 p.m., the Assisted Suicide bill “died in committee” for the third year in a row. We told you all three years that defeating the Assisted Suicide bill in Committee was the highest …
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The “Me, Myself and I” campaign continues.
9 years ago

The “Me, Myself and I” campaign continues.

We were not surprised to learn from Capitol Watch that the organization formerly known as the Hemlock Society has resumed their “me, myself and I” (or something like that) campaign …
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Ignoring the victims of assisted suicide.
9 years ago

Ignoring the victims of assisted suicide.

Compassion & Choices and their spokespeople continually claim there are no cases of abuse from Oregon.  They base this claim on the official reports issued by the Oregon Health Authority. …
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Public Hearing Success!
9 years ago

Public Hearing Success!

Family Institute of Connecticut is proud to report that opponents of assisted suicide were the vast majority of people testifying and present at the hearing on H.B.7015 . . by a …
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CT Hospice: Assisted Suicide Threatens People With Disabilities
9 years ago

CT Hospice: Assisted Suicide Threatens People With Disabilities

Connecticut Hospice has released Parts 5 and 6 of its video series on assisted suicide.  Although there are reports that the bill is dead for this legislative session, we at …
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