

Pregnancy Resource Centers Fight Back
9 years ago

Pregnancy Resource Centers Fight Back

By  •  Pro-Life

In the wake of the Planned Parenthood scandal, NARAL of Connecticut (forget the “pro-choice” part, that’s a farce) decided it would be a great idea to renew their attacks on …
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Blumenthal & Co. Unmoved By Planned Parenthood Videos
9 years ago

Blumenthal & Co. Unmoved By Planned Parenthood Videos

By  •  Pro-Life

Talk about “Throwback Thursday” — it was the day Sen. Blumenthal, in a pitiful attempt to reclaim a moral high ground on the baby parts market, unearthed a two-decades-old New …
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80 Years For Boyfriend In Shamari Jenkins Killing
9 years ago

80 Years For Boyfriend In Shamari Jenkins Killing

By  •  Pro-Life

Yesterday, Hartford Superior Court handed Carlton “C.J.” Bryan an 80-year prison sentence for arranging to have his pregnant girlfriend, Shamari Jenkins, shot. This was reportedly “plan B” after he could …
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Planned Parenthood Video Fallout in CT
9 years ago

Planned Parenthood Video Fallout in CT

FIC members already received our July 21st email blast on the horrific undercover videos showing top Planned Parenthood abortionists explaining how they allegedly use the illegal and gruesome partial-birth abortion procedure …
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LIFE: It Makes Us Feel Like Dancing

By  •  Pro-Life, Events

Once again, our friends at Y-LIFE will hold a Family Dance for Life, July 11 at the Shrine of St. Anne for Mothers in Waterbury. FIC is a sponsor.

We …
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Op-Ed Promotes Abortion For Fathers’ Day
9 years ago

Op-Ed Promotes Abortion For Fathers’ Day

By  •  Pro-Life

A New Haven man has written to CT Viewpoints in defense of his then-girlfriend’s pill abortion, his role in it, and abortion in general. I don’t know if he intended …
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Pro-Life App: Technology for Changing Minds, Saving Lives

By  •  Pro-Life

Yesterday we wrote about tremendous advances made in recent years in the battle for a culture that respects human life, and the hope that pro-lifers can take from some very …
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Press Can’t Deny Pro-Life Movement Success

Faithful readers heard it here first.

The pro-life movement is winning — whether in legislatures or at the more intimate person-to-person level, one changed mind, one saved life at a …
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“Why We Lost”: Assisted Suicide Lobby’s Hilarious Spin

Because facing down the culture of death can be incredibly grim business, it is so important during major battles to keep a sense of humor. Fortunately, the material our opponents …
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“Nothing About Us Without Us”
9 years ago

“Nothing About Us Without Us”

I’d never heard the phrase before I joined the coalition to fight assisted suicide, but I have heard it often since: “Nothing About Us Without Us.” An announcement from the …
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