Listen to Elaine, Maggie and Cathy who oppose assisted suicide.

Here at Family Institute of Connecticut, we had the privilege of meeting these three strong women who oppose assisted suicide in our state.  Their stories are compelling and represent many of the women we know in our own lives – our mothers, sisters, daughters and friends.  They represent the “flip side” to assisted suicide.  For every person of privilege (white, good health care, in hospice) who chooses “aid in dying” there is a flip side – the person who will experience the “social slide” of assisted suicide. A biased nurse who might administer a lethal dose to a sick person-with-disabilities because they think that person will be “better off;” the doctor who prescribes a killer dose of drugs to someone who is mentally incompetent, but would have “wanted it that way” according to a greedy heir; the well-meaning daughter who doctor-shops her mother to various ideologue doctors, etc. Think abuse is just for other people? – just look at the lists . . .…/some-oregon-assisted-suicide-abuses-and…/  Because we are dealing with death and there are better end-of-life care alternatives, our legislators should continue to stay out of the suicide-assisting business.  Please visit the videos of these strong women and get to know the people who oppose assisted suicide.

Visit here to learn more about what you can do to oppose assisted suicide – including attending the public hearing and our Lobby Day on March 24, 2015.

For more testimony, please visit our YouTube channel.