

Scrap the Hippocratic Oath?
10 years ago

Scrap the Hippocratic Oath?

By  •  Pro-Life

An op-ed in The Hartford Courant today calls the Hippocratic Oath “more archaic than a washboard” and “a roughly 2,000-year-old text with only marginal relevance to medicine today.” It peeves …
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Betrayal Hurts, But We Keep Moving
10 years ago

Betrayal Hurts, But We Keep Moving

The best lack all conviction, while the worst / Are full of passionate intensity. – Yeats (“The Second Coming”)

I do not pretend to know what is really behind “pro-life” …
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Tom Foley, John McKinney & Assisted Suicide
10 years ago

Tom Foley, John McKinney & Assisted Suicide

FIC Action Committee is not endorsing a candidate in the August 12, 2014 Republican primary for governor. But in the last few days both candidates made public statements on …
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Pro-Life Dance Aug. 9th
10 years ago

Pro-Life Dance Aug. 9th

By  •  Pro-Life, Events

From our friends at Y-Life:

A Pro-Life Dance will be held at the Shrine of St. Anne for Mothers, 515 S. Main St. in Waterbury. The music will be …
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Courant Phones It In For Blumenthal
10 years ago

Courant Phones It In For Blumenthal

Yesterday I wrote about how Sen. Blumenthal balked when I approached him with a question after his Hobby Lobby press conference. Video of that encounter is now available here. …
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FIC Crashes Blumenthal’s Party

Holding a presser without us? I don’t think so

FIC Blog has been on vacation, but our office has in no sense been idle — in fact, we have some …
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What Will He Owe Betty?
10 years ago

What Will He Owe Betty?

Jonathan Pelto, an “education activist,” has announced that “he will have the signatures necessary to earn a spot on the ballot” for governor as a petitioning third party candidate. …
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In Wake of SCOTUS Ruling, NARAL Pro-Choice CT Revises History

NARAL Pro-Choice Connecticut is “whining up a storm on Twitter” over the U.S. Supreme Court decision striking down Massachusetts’ buffer zone law, as FIC’s Nicole Stacy has reported. But the …
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Pro-Life Victory! Supreme Court Nixes MA Buffer Zones

By  •  Pro-Life

Pro-lifers around the country have reason to celebrate today…and NARAL and Planned Parenthood are taking it on the chin. The Hartford Courant, by way of the Chicago Tribune, has …
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You Know Cantor Was Crushed. But Did You Know Fluke Flopped?

There, There Sandra

Voters Prefer Man With Less Notoriety

Like El Niño, I’m sure this can be blamed on the War on Women: Though she still advances to …
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