

Murphy’s California Dreamin’: It’s a Fluke

By  •  Pro-Life

What’s the one election so important, according to Chris Murphy, that — although it is taking place on the other side of the country — he simply cannot resist …
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Pro-Lifers Sue Access Health CT

By  •  Pro-Life

In a July 26, 2012 email alert we told you that FIC and our allies had succeeded in getting the Connecticut Health Insurance Exchange Board of Directors to receive …
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Suicide Prevention Plan Highlights Recklessness of Concourse Ad

By  •  Pro-Life

On Monday, The New London Day ran this story about Connecticut College leading a suicide prevention effort that would put signs on a city bridge – similar to what …
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Desperate Hobby Lobby Critics Fling Mud Upwind

“He who slings mud generally loses ground.” – Adlai Stevenson

I don’t need to go looking for outrage. Therefore, I am not a regular reader of Huffington Post. Because …
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Confusion & Chicanery: Dishonest Ads Target Connecticut

By  •  Pro-Life, Events

I was doing research online the other day and managed to trigger a pop-up ad “Sponsored by Compassion and Choices” (formerly the Hemlock Society), the well-funded group behind the …
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Assisted Suicide Lobby Rolls Out Green Carpet

By  •  Pro-Life

astroturfing the act of creating a small organization and making it appear to represent something popular for the purpose of promoting a particular entity, cause, etc. (a play on …
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Ask Public Health Committee to Vote NO on Assisted Suicide

By  •  Pro-Life, Events

As you know from FIC Action’s email alerts, the Public Health Committee has until Friday, March 28th to vote on HB 5326, the Assisted Suicide bill. Please contact the …
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New Hampshire House of Representatives Kills Assisted Suicide Bill Instead of its Citizens

By  •  Pro-Life

[Nancy Elliott is a former member of New Hampshire House of Representatives. – PW]

Yesterday, the New Hampshire House of Representatives rejected HB1325, which would have instituted Assisted Suicide …
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Q Poll Flawed


For Immediate Release: Tuesday, March 6, 2014 Contact: Peter Wolfgang 860-548-0066

Quinnipiac Poll Showing Support for Assisted Suicide is Flawed

The following …
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Hitting the Road – An FICer’s Week in Review


(Photo above: Our Executive Director demonstrates why he is the life of every party…)


For those who aren’t familiar with me, I am known as the Public …
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