

Reggie Littlejohn Discusses China’s War on Women in Colchester 2/27

By  •  Pro-Life, Events

From our friend, Nicole Peck:

Reggie Littlejohn is Founder and President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, an international coalition to expose and oppose forced abortion, gendercide and sexual slavery …
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Who Hates Who?

If you were one of the many constituents who travelled to Washington DC last month but couldn’t meet with your congressperson because they were in a “very important meeting”, …
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Alveda King Returning to CT Mar. 1st!

By  •  Pro-Life, Events

Dr. Alevda King is coming back to Connecticut to speak at a dinner Mar. 1st that will honor pro-life Connecticut RNC member Pat Longo. Details are here. 


What Gov. Malloy Didn’t Say

Gov. Malloy’s State of the State speech today was heavy on election year-friendly policies. No gratuitous shout-out to same-sex “marriage”, as in 2011. No reference to assisted suicide, even …
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Pro-Life is Pro-Woman: DeLauro Misrepresents Alvaré’s Testimony

By  •  Pro-Life

Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro and other key House Democrats have issued a memo to House Republicans purporting to offer tips on “how to better communicate with women on the issues …
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Justice Sotomayor Blocks HHS Mandate!

I wish Talk of Connecticut still had its Dan Lovallo archives on its website, so I could link to his 2009 interview of me regarding President Obama’s nomination of …
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You will want to know about this . . .

By  •  Pro-Life

[The following was a speech given by Leslie Wolfgang at a Waterbury gathering on December 9, 2013.]

You may not know this, but the push for assisted suicide has …
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Sen. Blumenthal’s Sweet Tooth for Abortion

By  •  Pro-Life

The Family Institute of Connecticut Action has learned from a reputable source that Connecticut’s senior senator, Richard Blumenthal, will join others to introduce a bill in Congress to federally …
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Chris O’Brien Wants You!…To Volunteer on Nov. 5th

From our friend Chris O’Brien, Connecticut Right to Life’s Vice-President for Legislative Affairs:

Every year conservatives are told that Connecticut voters are not conservative. They say that voters here …
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What Do You Mean “We,” Michael Sean Winters?

By  •  Pro-Life

For those of us who actually live in the Archdiocese of Hartford, the announcement of Toledo Bishop Leonard P. Blair as the next Archbishop of Hartford was a happy …
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