

Secular Assembly for the North East and Choose Life at Yale


Last weekend Connecticut welcomed a group which hosted its first secular conference. Heralded by bill boards across Connecticut proclaiming themselves “good”, the coalition seeks to build networking opportunities and …
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Prudence and the Color Pink

It’s that time of year again. I’m seeing pink. Everywhere.






Even at the deli. I’m serious: sliced meat now comes with a …
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CT Respect Life Conference, with Alan Keyes, Oct. 19th

By  •  Pro-Life, Events

As FIC email recipients know, on Saturday, October 19th, FIC will have an exhibit at the Respect Life Conference in South Meriden. You can download a form to register …
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GOT LIFE service on Oct. 19th

By  •  Pro-Life, Events

There will be a Celebration of Life Service at 6 pm on Saturday, October 19th, in recognition of the launching of Got Life ministries. Georgette Forney, President of Anglicans …
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Yale Pro-Life Event Oct. 17-19

By  •  Pro-Life, Events

They say Connecticut is not a pro-life state and, at least in terms of our laws and politicians, they are right. But anyone following the pro-life calendar in Connecticut …
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Pro-Life Prayer in Bridgeport, 10/19

By  •  Pro-Life, Events

From our friend Christine Murphy:

40 Days for Life, Bridgeport is sponsoring a Pro-Life Living Rosary. Anyone interested in participating can go to the website, listed below, to sign …
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Obamacare’s “Unborn Children” Hypocrisy

By  •  Pro-Life

“But we have to pass the [health care] bill so that you can find out what’s in it….” —Nancy Pelosi

With the advent of the Affordable Care Act’s exchanges, …
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CT Life Chain Oct. 6th

By  •  Pro-Life, Events

Life Chain will be happening in Connecticut on October 6th in the following locations:

* CHESHIRE – in front of Cheshire Town Green, 2:00 to 3:30 p.m.; Noreen Pearsall …
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Labor and the Family

CT Mirror is reporting that “The new voice of labor in Connecticut is female and gay.” Lori Pelletier, a lesbian, is expected to be the first new leader of …
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Pope Francis and Connecticut
11 years ago

Pope Francis and Connecticut

Family Institute of Connecticut is hearing from both concerned friends and gleeful foes over comments by Pope Francis that are being spun in the media as “Pope wants Catholics …
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