

Debicella Flip-Flops on Marriage

Former state Sen. Dan Debicella, a Republican candidate for Congress in Connecticut’s 4th District, said in the September 12th, 2013 Shelton Herald:

“I am pro-choice,” he said. “I’ve always …
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Cheshire Life Chain July 16th

By  •  Pro-Life, Events

From our friends in Cheshire:


A peaceful, prayerful pro life witness What is Life Chain? It’s a “prayer chain” and public (sidewalk) witness for Life. …
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Six Years Later

[Note: It has not been FIC’s practice to re-post all of our email alerts to our members here on the blog. But the one below, from July 1st, has …
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Connecticut’s Callous Congresswomen

By  •  Pro-Life

The U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday voted 228-196 to pass the Pain Capable Child Protection Act, a ban on abortion starting at 20 weeks (the point at which the unborn …
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Choosing Life Cost Hers

By  •  Pro-Life

The gloomy weather today in Hartford perfectly matches my emotional state as I write that, a few weeks ago, 21-year-old Shamari Jenkins was gunned down on a North End …
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Ours Is Not a Bitter Zeal

“You must love Connecticut if you want to win Connecticut. You cannot win without love.”

It is that time of year again.

FIC’s Summer Fundraising Campaign has begun. Those …
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2013: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

In the six years since Peter Wolfgang became president of Family Institute of Connecticut Action, we have suffered only one major legislative defeat: the passage of the 2011 Bathroom …
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Connecticut & Vermont: The FIC Difference

By  •  Pro-Life

Family Institute of Connecticut promised to make the defeat of assisted suicide our top priority in 2013…and we delivered. FIC and our allies dealt the assisted suicide bill such …
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St. Joseph’s College Prof Supports Plan B for Young Girls


St. Joseph’s College Betrays Pro-Lifers, Again

The Food and Drug Administration has announced that it will allow the Morning After Pill–the potentially abortifacient Plan B drug–to be sold …
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Connecticut Marches for Life

By  •  Pro-Life

The beautiful children you see above are students from the Hartford campus of Regina Caeli Academy, at the March for Life in Washington, DC yesterday. That’s my daughter, Katie, holding …
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