
same-sex marriage

Our Ruling Elites Intend to Crush Us
7 years ago

Our Ruling Elites Intend to Crush Us

That is my takeaway from having spent all day Friday at a UConn Law School symposium on the clash between same-sex marriage and religious liberty. It was laid bare not by the …
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Ex-Catholics in CT: Right Question, Wrong Sources
8 years ago

Ex-Catholics in CT: Right Question, Wrong Sources

You have to admire their chutzpah.

The National Catholic Reporter, the Bible of the Catholic Left (as opposed to other Catholics whose Bible is, well, the Bible), has an article …
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Has Mark Boughton Gone Soft?
8 years ago

Has Mark Boughton Gone Soft?

Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton is a likely candidate for Governor of Connecticut in 2018. Six years ago Family Institute of Connecticut Action Committee endorsed Boughton for Lieutenant Governor, because:

Mark …
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An Open Letter to Donald Trump

Family Institute of Connecticut Action and others call upon Donald Trump to answer questions about where he stands on family issues.

[Over the course of a long career in the …
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Donald Trump and Same-Sex “Marriage” Revisionist History

The Hartford Courant got together Democrats and liberal Republicans for a front-page piece contra Donald Trump, but at least one seems to be suffering from Trump-induced amnesia:

“‘Republicans in Connecticut …
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Dear CT GOP: General Electric Was Not Your Friend

So General Electric is leaving Connecticut and this is proof of how much Governor Malloy and the Democrats stink? Maybe so, but:

Does anyone besides Kevin Rennie remember when several of …
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Shocker: Marriage Decline Worsens In CT

By  •  Culture, Family life

Earlier this month, The Hartford Courant reported on an unsurprising trend: the decline of “basic building blocks of society” — specifically the natural family. Connecticut appears to be a canary …
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Pants On Fire: Fact-Checking Hartford Courant

Earlier this week, dealing a blow to the vulnerable sick, elderly, and disabled, California governor Jerry Brown signed an assisted suicide bill into law; the ink is barely dry.

Please …
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‘Christ-Haunted’: Wolfgang Reviews Susan Campbell’s Autobiography

By  •  Uncategorized

Peter Wolfgang’s review of Susan Campbell’s autobiography Dating Jesus originally appeared on August 27, 2013 on the now-defunct website of Hartford Faith and Values. We have reproduced it here because of its …
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Gov. Malloy, Pope Francis and 40 Days for Life
9 years ago

Gov. Malloy, Pope Francis and 40 Days for Life

Recognizing, of course, that we are all sinners (Romans 3:23) and that Pope Francis himself is a figure of controversy on the Right, Family Institute of Connecticut is nevertheless delighted …
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