
Family life

Local lore for marriage.
9 months ago

Local lore for marriage.

By  •  Family life

We are not the only fans of marriage in Connecticut! “From wearing masks to standing six feet apart to incessantly using hand sanitizer, the pandemic impacted the world in …
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Start with Opting-Out
2 years ago

Start with Opting-Out

Are you unhappy with [explicit warning . . ] porny books in your kid’s school and local libraries? “Change rooms” to hide mental illness from parents? Gingerbread gender worksheets …
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CT Marriage and Family Rates Decline While We Fund Anti-Family Organizations

I recently had a conversation with an elderly man in the grocery store. He bumped into my cart which led to him sharing how lost he felt since his wife …
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Flexer Doubles Down on Defamation
7 years ago

Flexer Doubles Down on Defamation

State Senator Mae Flexer responded yesterday to FIC’s request that she apologize to Vice President Pence with the usual smoke screens, attacking FIC for supporting the right of a child …
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Tell Sen. Flexer: Apologize to Vice President Pence
7 years ago

Tell Sen. Flexer: Apologize to Vice President Pence

We know anti-family activists are angry because they lost ground in the last election. We know they are behaving at the state Capitol in ways we have never seen before.

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Adding insult to injury.

Mae Flexer and the Connecticut Alliance to End Sexual Violence want to increase the tax on marriage with SB 1011, ostensibly to fund sexual assault and domestic violence prevention and services:

Public …
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An Open Letter to Donald Trump

Family Institute of Connecticut Action and others call upon Donald Trump to answer questions about where he stands on family issues.

[Over the course of a long career in the …
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Marriage Getaway Is Half Price Through Monday

By  •  Family life, Events

Support for marriage strengthening projects have been a key component of FIC’s mission from our earliest days. We are pleased to share this opportunity from Biblically-based FamilyLife: register for a “Weekend …
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Task Force Takes On Human Trafficking

In recent years, FIC was proud to join other advocates to seek stronger protections against human trafficking in Connecticut; those efforts paid off with the passage of H.B. 5666.

Putting …
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Shocker: Marriage Decline Worsens In CT

By  •  Culture, Family life

Earlier this month, The Hartford Courant reported on an unsurprising trend: the decline of “basic building blocks of society” — specifically the natural family. Connecticut appears to be a canary …
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