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#1 Fan of Peter Wolfgang
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Shame on the Chamber.

By  •  Culture, Family life

Shame on the Glastonbury Chamber of Commerce for peddling pictures of a naked boy sheathed by a “sold” sign in their “Men of Glastonbury Chamber 2016” calendar (blandly reported here …
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California Defeat, Connecticut Difference
9 years ago

California Defeat, Connecticut Difference

Family Institute of Connecticut was disappointed to learn that California passed an assisted suicide bill.  It is no secret the assisted suicide lobby views California as a great prize because …
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9 years ago


On April 14, at 5:00 p.m., the Assisted Suicide bill “died in committee” for the third year in a row. We told you all three years that defeating the Assisted Suicide bill in Committee was the highest …
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The “Me, Myself and I” campaign continues.
9 years ago

The “Me, Myself and I” campaign continues.

We were not surprised to learn from Capitol Watch that the organization formerly known as the Hemlock Society has resumed their “me, myself and I” (or something like that) campaign …
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Ignoring the victims of assisted suicide.
9 years ago

Ignoring the victims of assisted suicide.

Compassion & Choices and their spokespeople continually claim there are no cases of abuse from Oregon.  They base this claim on the official reports issued by the Oregon Health Authority. …
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Public Hearing Success!
9 years ago

Public Hearing Success!

Family Institute of Connecticut is proud to report that opponents of assisted suicide were the vast majority of people testifying and present at the hearing on H.B.7015 . . by a …
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Action Items to Defeat Assisted Suicide!
9 years ago

Action Items to Defeat Assisted Suicide!

Please take the following action items listed below!

You already attended the public hearing on March 18th, HB7015 – with the Orwellian title . . . “An Act Concerning Aid in Dying …
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Overcoming religious stereotypes.
9 years ago

Overcoming religious stereotypes.

In today’s edition of the Sunday Hartford Courant (March 22, 2015), political reporter Daniela Altimari devotes an article to covering the response to assisted suicide by one opponent – the …
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CT Criminal Justice Division says “no” to assisted suicide bill.
9 years ago

CT Criminal Justice Division says “no” to assisted suicide bill.

The State of Connecticut Division of Criminal Justice submitted written testimony to the Joint Committee on Judiciary strongly objecting to HB 7015, an assisted suicide bill.  They are very …
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