Planned Parenthood of Southern New England really has it tough. They only raised a little more than half a million dollars from the Greenwich set last week. They were merely feted by the senior editor of Slate, who writes the “Supreme Court Dispatches” and “Jurisprudence” columns (talk about being in bed with the media), U.S. House Representatives Rosa DeLauro and Jim Himes, and Mrs. Dick Blumenthal. They ended fiscal year with just $31 million in net assets and $2 million in excess of expenses. CEO Judy Tabar receives her annual pittance of $350,000.

Meanwhile, we’re doing our best to keep the lights on. Who’s the underdog, again?

A few months ago, we challenged individuals like Rosa DeLauro:

“If you really want to help Planned Parenthood, a good start would be handing back the $15,000 they have given to you over the years to secure your election; you obviously don’t need it since you have money-blitzed every opponent you’ve ever had, outspending them many times over. Give it back with interest. Beyond that, I suggest you sit down, take out your own checkbook and pony up.

“But if you really want to help women, put your money — not to mention ours — into healthcare organizations that aren’t trying to make murder, organ trafficking, and fraud respectable. You are supposed to represent us all, and we all deserve better.”

At least she’s doing the former, if she isn’t interested in doing the latter. Okay, great. We also raise funds. But we don’t get a dime from the state. When you’re financed by millionaires and backed by the highest political clout, PPSNE, you lose the right to whine and cry about how beleaguered you are.


And maybe, just maybe, it’s wrong for 2,000 state workers to get pink slips — although we know that’s your favorite color — while our tax dollars enable you to make nauseating Facebook posts about prom dresses made out of condoms and memes that equate Texas’s climate for preborn human life with Rhode Island’s. And by all means, keep fighting the Terrible Tampon Tax. Priorities, right?




It’s high time to defund Planned Parenthood in Connecticut. Unlike the babies and some of the mothers, they’re going to survive just fine.

Stamford says "Defund PP!"

Stamford says “Defund PP!”