
Posts By Nicole

Latest Posts | By Nicole

#PPSellsBabyParts: UConn, Yale Implicated

State Senator Michael McLachlan was just vindicated in a big way. Early after the #PPSellsBabyParts scandal broke, McLachlan was the courageous, lone individual in our Assembly who called for a …
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International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
9 years ago

International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

Friends: during the month of November, we ask that you continue to keep in your prayers the victims of religious persecution worldwide, particularly Christians in the Middle East. We must …
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PP Protest Successful; NARAL CT Protest Coming Up
9 years ago

PP Protest Successful; NARAL CT Protest Coming Up

Thanks to everyone who turned out to protest Cecile Richards’s appearance at Planned Parenthood of Southern New England’s fundraiser last week. Our presence could not be missed by countless passers-by; …
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Bridgeport Diocese To Hold Post-Abortion Symposium

By  •  Pro-Life, Events

Our friends at the Diocese of Bridgeport’s Respect Life Ministry have shared with us information about “A Time of Divine Mercy: A Post-Abortion Symposium” being held next Saturday, November 14, …
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Massachusetts Assisted Suicide Hearing Highlights

I want to share my experience from the Massachusetts assisted suicide hearing this past Tuesday for those who could not be present or who had to leave early. I hesitate …
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Massachusetts Assisted Suicide Hearing This Tuesday
9 years ago

Massachusetts Assisted Suicide Hearing This Tuesday

We urge every FIC member to attend, if possible, the Massachusetts assisted suicide bill hearing taking place Tuesday, October 27 at 1:00 in Room A-1/A-2 of the Massachusetts State House. …
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A Modest Suggestion To Trim The Budget Deficit: Defund PP
9 years ago

A Modest Suggestion To Trim The Budget Deficit: Defund PP

By  •  Pro-Life, Politics

We hear that Governor Malloy is calling for bipartisan help closing a $118 million hole in the state budget. Malloy told press that he “wants to spread around the responsibility.” …
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Assisted Suicide: More Second Thoughts For Courant Readers

Breaking: The New York Post reports that assisted suicide proponents in New York have lost their suit to overturn the state’s law. “State civil judge Joan Kenney ruled that while she was …
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Assisted Suicide: Cathy Ludlum Gives Norwich Second Thoughts
9 years ago

Assisted Suicide: Cathy Ludlum Gives Norwich Second Thoughts

After The Norwich Bulletin endorsed California governor Jerry Brown’s move and recommended that Connecticut legalize assisted suicide, Cathy Ludlum, a resident of Manchester and member of Second Thoughts Connecticut (our coalition partner …
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Did We Really Need Quickie Divorce In Connecticut?

Effective October 1, a new law creates a category of people who are eligible for expedited divorce in Connecticut. Qualifying “non-adversarial” couples can get split in less than a month …
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