

Replacing Federal $$ with State $$ would bring clarity to voters.
7 years ago

Replacing Federal $$ with State $$ would bring clarity to voters.

By  •  Pro-Life, Politics

Despite all the hyperbole about losing federal funding, it seems the state of Connecticut would attempt to replace any lost funding for Planned Parenthood CT.  This is expected.  Bad news …
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Hartford Courant publishes Fake News
7 years ago

Hartford Courant publishes Fake News

One of the problems each journalist must overcome (hopefully in journalism school) is setting aside the story they want to tell, in favor of fairness or facts.  An example of …
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NARAL Fundraiser in Hartford, May 15
8 years ago

NARAL Fundraiser in Hartford, May 15

NARAL is having its annual “politicians make brunch” fundraiser from 11:00-1:00 on Sunday, May 15, at a residence at 226 Kenyon Street in Hartford.  Boy, nothing whets my appetite quite …
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Planned Parenthood Prez in CT Campaigning for Hillary Clinton
8 years ago

Planned Parenthood Prez in CT Campaigning for Hillary Clinton

By  •  Pro-Life, Politics

We hear that Cecile Richards was in Stamford this morning, campaigning for Hillary Clinton. If she were to stick around just one more day, she could have a tour of …
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Abortion, Contraception, ISIS, Zika, and Misogyny
8 years ago

Abortion, Contraception, ISIS, Zika, and Misogyny

By  •  Pro-Life, Politics, World

This isn’t a typical post; it’s the closest thing to a feminist rant I have in me.

What triggers (see what I did there?) this rage is Senator Blumenthal’s recent …
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Governor Malloy Travel Ban: Deja Vu
8 years ago

Governor Malloy Travel Ban: Deja Vu

It must be springtime in Connecticut, because the Governor is picking on other states again — first North Carolina, now Mississippi. We’ve seen this movie before. He continues to demonstrate …
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CT Pro-Lifers Respond to Donald Trump Abortion Comments

By  •  Pro-Life, Politics

Like the broader pro-life community, Connecticut’s leading pro-life organizations were of one accord on presidential contender Donald Trump’s recent comments: no, we don’t want to “punish” women. We’re glad the …
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Donald Trump and Same-Sex “Marriage” Revisionist History

The Hartford Courant got together Democrats and liberal Republicans for a front-page piece contra Donald Trump, but at least one seems to be suffering from Trump-induced amnesia:

“‘Republicans in Connecticut …
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Parents Won’t Forget Erin Stewart’s Condom Call
9 years ago

Parents Won’t Forget Erin Stewart’s Condom Call

With The Hartford Courant stoking speculation about New Britain mayor Erin Stewart’s political ambitions, we think it’s a good time to remind supporters and opponents alike of the Connecticut GOP’s …
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A Modest Suggestion To Trim The Budget Deficit: Defund PP
9 years ago

A Modest Suggestion To Trim The Budget Deficit: Defund PP

By  •  Pro-Life, Politics

We hear that Governor Malloy is calling for bipartisan help closing a $118 million hole in the state budget. Malloy told press that he “wants to spread around the responsibility.” …
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