
About Leslie

#1 Fan of Peter Wolfgang
Latest Posts | By Leslie
The Matter of Life movie
2 years ago

The Matter of Life movie

By  •  Culture, Pro-Life

Join your friends on Monday, May 16 and Tuesday, May 17 for this exclusive showing of The Matter of Life movie at Fathom Theaters all over Connecticut. There is likely …
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Are schools deceiving parents?
2 years ago

Are schools deceiving parents?

School boards across Connecticut are adopting the Connecticut Association of Boards of Education recommended policy number 5145.53 or variations of it. Section (b) of the CABE policy states “School …
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Backroom Sausage Making
2 years ago

Backroom Sausage Making

“Laws are Like Sausages. Better Not to See Them Being Made” goes the adage. The legislative making process is notoriously opaque, but the insertion of “treatment of gender dysphoria” …
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Weaknesses revealed in abortion edifice
2 years ago

Weaknesses revealed in abortion edifice

Abortion laws remain strong in Connecticut but between Dobbs and new criticism of Planned Parenthood, their weakness is showing.

Many of you are aware of the shocking …
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Erasing “Pregnant Women”
2 years ago

Erasing “Pregnant Women”

By  •  Pro-Life

Apple’s newest emoji forced upload includes these images.

Headlines are being made this week nationally by Apple facilitating reproductive appropriation by men in the emoji section of iPhones. I’m …
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Assisted suicide defeated in bi-partisan vote!
2 years ago

Assisted suicide defeated in bi-partisan vote!

A bi-partisan group of senators from the State of Connecticut Judiciary Committee voted on Monday, April 11 to defeat this year’s assisted suicide bill. The bill was …
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FIC quick “To Do” list for 2022 legislative session.
2 years ago

FIC quick “To Do” list for 2022 legislative session.

By  •  Take Action

There are only weeks left to this year’s legislative session and now is the time to make sure we’ve done everything we can to oppose a giant push for …
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Are CT public schools deceiving parents?
2 years ago

Are CT public schools deceiving parents?

An overseas news story reveals that Hartford public schools may be purposefully deceiving parents by withholding the child’s self-identification as a non-binary person. Are schools facilitating dangerous puberty blockers …
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Protection for Texas outlaws at the cost of our daughters’ safety.
2 years ago

Protection for Texas outlaws at the cost of our daughters’ safety.

By  •  Take Action

Take a few minutes to listen to the testimony of Christina Bennett on behalf of the Family Institute of Connecticut against HB 5414. Testimony like Christina’s is …
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They heard us at The 2022 March for Life.
2 years ago

They heard us at The 2022 March for Life.

By  •  Pro-Life

Wrapped around Bushnell Park in Hartford, at least 2,000 participants in Connecticut’s first March for Life marched, cheered, chanted and made the event a huge success. If you were …
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